0.108: Logos, Area Pages, Lovelace Entity Card, Lovelace Map History


Before we talk about anything that matches the title of this blog post:

On behalf of everybody working on the Home Assistant project, we hope you, your family and loved ones are safe and remain healthy during this pandemic. Our thoughts are with everyone that has been deeply affected by the current situation.

Stay strong, keep distance from each other, wash your hands and stay safe.


We made it all up to 0.107.7 the previous release, 7! patch releases.

Some have noticed and commented on the fact we do a lot more patch releases the past months, which is correct. This is not because everything was shipped in a broken state, but we are trying to ship any bug fix to you as soon as possible! Just so you don’t have to wait 3 weeks for something to get fixed.

So let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Home Assistant Core 0.108!

Martin Hjelmare & Ashton Lafferty join Nabu Casa

We want to start by announcing Martin Hjelmare has joined Nabu Casa!

Martin is a core team member for a long time, and initially started out contributing to the project by his work on the MySensors integration back in Home Assistant 0.11 (2016)! Most contributors to Home Assistant, will know Martin for his endless patience on the incredible code reviews he does.

Furthermore, Ashton Lafferty (cogneato) has been working some hours for Nabu Casa, to help out with things like support. Most of you probably know him from that already, as he is very active in helping out on our Discord server.

We are happy to announce that Ashton will now join Nabu Casa full-time as well!

Congratulations Martin and Ashton! 🎉

Integration logos & icons

We have created a new repository on GitHub containing all the brand icons and logos Home Assistant is able to integrate with. These images are, for example, used in our documentation.

In 0.108, we made a start on using the content from this repository in the Home Assistant frontend. The device information page got a layout update and the integrations page as well.

These pages will now show the icons and logos matching the integration.

![](upload://6TuFCPVSJ0BZh7IlMPgtumIBDvN.png) Device information page showing the Hue logo.

Looking for a way to contribute to the Home Assistant project? We still are missing a lot of images; So we are calling out for help!

Many integrations now available to set up from the UI

It is absolutely amazing to see all the upgraded integrations this release! Many contributors have gone out and added support to a lot of integrations to allow them to be configured via the Home Assistant frontend.

Not all of them were ready in time for this release; nevertheless, the list is amazing already:

Yes, @bdraco has been on fire this release! Amazing job!

Lovelace Map history

Maybe not very useful during home quarantine, but a very cool feature for when we are allowed to get out of our homes again. @Hoytron added the ability to show the history of persons or device trackers on the Lovelace map card. You can define how many hours of history you want to show and it will draw lines between all the points in that time frame.

![](upload://4wmL6OLG8cfuvX9xYfgYmfUUjlD.png) Screenshot of the map card with history.

New Lovelace card: Entity

@zsarnett added a new Lovelace card, the entity card. This card looks like the sensor card, but allows you to use any entity (not just sensors).

![](upload://46JEj53zni9yLbACVCfvO0fUkup.png) Screenshot of the entity card.

Area configuration page

We added an overview page for your areas. On this page you can see all the devices in the area, but also the automations, scenes and scripts that affect that area.

![](upload://sQod3TqCgOW2GJtWqZAQ0vtPGWT.png) Screenshot of the area config page.

Horizontal stack now handles different heights better

When creating a Horizontal stack, the cards in the stack don’t always line up nicely. This has been adjusted. Horizontal stacks now deal better with the difference in heights of the cards on the stack.

![](upload://9O85vzsQ4ckspentULARVbiNkkI.png) Before and after screenshot for the Horizontal Stack improvements.

Other noteworthy changes

  • “Alexa, show the front door camera.” 😲 Alexa now has support for Cameras, thanks @ochlocracy!

  • Selecting your default Lovelace dashboard has been moved to the user profile page.

  • A lot of configuration pages are migrated to data tables, this means you can now search in your automations, scenes, scripts, users and areas.

  • Lovelace cards in panel views can now also be edited with the UI editor.

  • The graph from the sensor card is now also available as a footer for the entities and entity card.

  • The Markdown card has a new user variable that can be used to display the currently logged in user.

  • With the ZHA Zigbee integration, Zigbee groups now dynamically create entities for lights, switches and fans that are grouped together. This enables near-simultaneous control over a large group of lights allowing them to turn on or off at the exact same time. Thank you @dmulcahey!

  • Cameras added using the ONVIF integration now automatically use the still images provided by the camera, instead of Home Assistant generating one. Nice work @roleoroleo!

  • WLED got quite a few internal upgrades, has added new Wi-Fi sensors and now has a service to control the effects of your WLED device.

  • Docker images for Home Assistant are now using Jemalloc, to reduce memory fragmentation and speed up memory allocation. So, less memory and generally a faster Home Assistant.

New Integrations

New Platforms

If you need help…

…don’t hesitate to use our very active forums or join us for a little chat.

Experiencing issues introduced by this release? Please report them in our issue tracker. Make sure to fill in all fields of the issue template.

Breaking Changes

  • Lovelace themes - We discovered our theme logic was wrong, when you didn’t specify a theme for a Lovelace card or view. It would default to the backend selected theme, even when your local theme was different, or your view had a different theme. To fix this we removed the options default and Backend selected from the Lovelace theme selection, and when there is not theme selected it will not set a theme. This will make sure the element has the same theme as it’s parent.

  • Freebox - Freebox is now available as an integration from the Integrations UI! You will need to re-authorize Home Assistant to access the Freebox router. - (@Quentame - #30334) (freebox docs)

  • UniFi - Manual configuration has been deprecated as the UI integration now supports all of the previous available options and more. Your existing YAML configuration has previously been imported so just remove it. - (@Kane610 - #32699) (unifi docs)

  • Emulated Hue - The emulated_hue and emulated_hue_hidden attributes have been deprecated. Use the existing entities hidden configuration instead. - (@bdraco - #32718) (emulated_hue docs)

    Example YAML configuration:

      listen_port: 8300
      advertise_port: 8080
        - script
        - scene
      expose_by_default: true
        - light
          name: "Bedside Lamp"
          hidden: true
  • Roku - Roku is now available as an integration from the integrations UI! The roku_scan service has been removed in favor of discovery via ssdp. - (@ctalkington - #31988) (roku docs)

  • MQTT - Deprecated features from MQTT platforms are now removed. - (@emontnemery - #32909) (mqtt docs)

    • For MQTT lights setup through MQTT discovery, it’s no longer possible to specify schema with platform configuration variable. Instead, schema must be specified by the schema configuration variable.
    • For MQTT alarm_control_panel, MQTT binary_sensor and MQTT sensor set up through MQTT discovery: The undocumented implicit setting of state_topic is no longer supported. Instead, state_topic must be explicitly set.
    • Support for json_attributes is removed from MQTT sensor, json_attributes_topic should be used instead.
  • Harmony - Harmony is now available as an integration from the Integrations UI! The YAML configuration now requires a host/ip. - (@bdraco - #32919) (harmony docs)

    Example YAML configuration:

      - platform: harmony
        name: Bedroom
  • Sonos - Sonos attributes have been cleaned up for radio streams. - (@amelchio - #33063) (sonos docs)

    • Sonos entities playing radio streams used to merge the radio name, the artist and the song name into two attributes. They now have media_artist and media_title attributes that match the playing music (when available).
    • Radio station artwork is no longer available for Sonos entities in polling mode (i.e., on a network separate to the network Home Assistant is on).
  • Monoprice - Monoprice is now available as an integration from the UI! Please remove the configuration from YAML and add the Monoprice integration from the Integrations page. - (@OnFreund - #30337) (monoprice docs)

  • Lutron Caseta - As a result of some cleanup, the Device ID and Zone ID attributes of Lutron Caseta devices have been renamed to device_id and zone_id to match the convention of the rest of Home Assistant. If you have any automations that reference these attributes, they will need to be updated. - (@swails - #33144) (lutron_caseta docs)

  • NuHeat - NuHeat is now available as an integration from the UI! The previous service has been removed and is now handled by set_hvac_mode (climate 1.0). - (@bdraco - #32885) (nuheat docs)

  • ElkM1 - ElkM1 is now available as an integration from the UI! An auto configure mode has been introduced which avoids the need to setup the complex include and exclude filters. This functionality still exists when configuring from YAML for power users who want more control over which entities elkm1 generates. As entity IDs can now be changed, the alarm_control_panel attribute changed_by_entity_id is now changed_by_keypad and will show the name of the Elk keypad instead of the entity ID. - (@bdraco - #33297) (elkm1 docs)

  • HmIP - After HmIP Cloud Maintanance (17.3.2020) it’s possible to define labels for each channel of a multi device. If the labels of a multi channel device have been changed in the native Homemamtic IP Cloud App, then the entity names will change accordingly. - (@SukramJ - #32925) (homematicip_cloud docs)

  • Slack - The Slack integration got an overhaul and added support for async and Slack’s Block Kit. As the YAML configuration schema for this integration has changed, please be sure to read the documentation. Additionally, because it represents an unacceptable security risk, remote files (i.e., those that do not exist in a whitelisted directory local to Home Assistant) can no longer be sent to Slack via this integration. - (@bachya - #33287) (slack docs)

    Example YAML configuration:

      - platform: slack
        api_key: !secret slack_api_key
        default_channel: "#home-assistant"
  • Network UPS Tools (NUT) - The NUT integration is now available as an integration from the UI! (@bdraco - #33457) (nut docs) (breaking change)

    The following sensors are no longer supported:

    • ups.time
    • ups.date
    • ups.model
    • ups.mfr
    • ups.mfr.date
    • ups.serial
    • ups.vendorid
    • ups.productid
    • ups.firmware
    • ups.firmware.aux

Farewell to the following

These integrations have been removed. The websites for both have changed, causing the integrations to break because they relied on web scraping, which is no longer allowed (ADR-0004). - (@frenck - #33056 #33066)

All changes

Click to see all changes!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2020/04/08/release-108/

:warning: Please note, it can take up to 2 hours before the update is available on all systems. Please be patient while we roll out the release to all platforms.

Thanks! :+1:


Awesome!!! Thanks for all the hard work, especially now in this time, highly appreciated!

Thanks, great!!

I have my Lovelace theme set as ‘Backend selected’ so I can switch between a day and night theme automatically. Does this change mean I can no longer do this.

The option is only removed from the Lovelace elements, not the main interface.

1 Like

Upgraded smoothly, good work!

I have automations and scripts, but I have never seen scenes before. Is that new or does it appear when I have an integration that supports it such a Z-Wave device with scenes?

“Alexa, show the front door camera.” :astonished:

Does this only work with Echo Show or can it send camera output to Chromecasts or other media players setup in HA?

Why, oh, why remove MQTT json_attributes? That’s just cruel, like removing the autogenerated UI from states.

Just thinking I had to rewrite all my MQTT discovery messages. Just checked them, they all define a state_topic. So waiting for the update to show. :slight_smile:

Because json_attributes_template can do everything that json_attributes did and much more.

json_attributes required the received data to be in a specific format so that it could do its magic. If the data was not in the desired format, tough luck, no attributes for you.

json_attributes_template has no such constraints and its template can be designed to not only parse whatever JSON data it receives but completely reformat it if needed.


So “topic” is a typo in this?

Edit: never mind. I read the docs.

1 Like

json_attributes received its data from state_topic. If your device sent attributes using another topic, it was not supported by json_attributes.

json_attributes_topic allows you to specify a topic dedicated for receiving attribute data. The default for this option (i.e. if you omit configuring it) is to simply use state_topic.

json_attributes_template is what does all the magic. It’s where you define a template to extract the desired attributes out of the received data and, optionally, transform it into whatever form you need. In contrast, json_attributes only allowed you extract the value as-is (i.e. you couldn’t convert it to some other form).

For example, if the received data is something like

{"state": "on", "parameters": [{"Battery Level": "35.7 %"}, {"Voltage": "12.5 VDC"}] }

you can use json_attributes_template to extract Battery Level and convert it to an attribute like:

battery: 36

Using json_attributes, the data is not in the form it needs to extract attributes.


In case anyone was wondering, here’s the json_attributes_template that can extract Battery Level and convert its name and value to appear as an attribute called battery with a value of 36

{{ {"battery": value_json.parameters[0]["Battery Level"][:-2] | round()} }}

Lovelace has its own autogenerated UI that functions nearly identical to the old state UI. Its even better because it uses the new cards :slight_smile:


So I see that a couple intergrations now say to remove the yaml and only use the UI to configure them. Is this going to be the expected behavior going forward?

As someone that much prefers the yaml config over the UI (I just like being able to have it backed up should something happen to my install) I’d like to vote against the idea if possible. I’m all for the option to configure via UI and think it is great way to get less tech savvy people on board with HA but I don’t understand removing the yaml config as an option.


Its entirely up to the developer adding the feature, if they want to maintain its up to them. If they want to remove YAML they can do that as well.

Is it just me, or is HACS broken in this version?


Currently works on Echo Show devices to view a camera that supports stream.

No issues with HACS, maybe try clearing cache or incognito?