0.108: Logos, Area Pages, Lovelace Entity Card, Lovelace Map History

I have a problem with an onvif camera,after the update the static image doesn’t refresh. It seems that HA gets an updated image after reboot and never changes it. Can anyone help me?

I tried using the broadlink.learn service, and it appears to have truncated the packet string … pretty sure that’s what’s broken. As far as shortening it, I don’t think that would be possible. The full string contains the entire command.

After update to 108 - MODBUS not work :frowning:
Please, help!

same here + errors while writing core.config_entries

Saying, and I quote (from memory) “YAML is not going away” does not mean everything will continue to be able to be done that way. Cleverly chosen words that were obvious portents from the start.

Agreed. I consider “the start” being when the entity registry first appeared and the decision was to use JSON instead of YAML.


JSON are files just the same as YAML, they are just in a different format in a different directory, you can still have version control on it :wink:

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…but cannot keep our comments and preserve human-friendly structure :frowning: or can we?


That’s what your commit messages are for :wink:

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that’s a cool joke


I agree with you AhmadK. I don’t see any advantages using json over yaml when user experience should be high on the priority list.

Why “fix” something that ain’t broken. Or at least share thoughts why it’s happening

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I doubt we’ll hear back. “If you didn’t pay for a product, you are the product” :wink:

Don’t mind being the product. I get a lot of joy and advantage out of it.

I would only like to know what the motivation is. Is YAML limited in some way? What is it…? As long as it’s clear and decisions are explained, I don’t really mind. I’ll adapt, np. But at least give us a reason to :stuck_out_tongue:

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Honestly, they are not nearly the same. You don’t know when the JSON file updates and it is full of your secrets. So one can still do full backups but not really version control with meaningful diffs, sensible commit messages, branches, reverts, etc.

The UI configuration has several other advantages though, off the top of my head:

  • No RTFM
  • No syntax errors
  • No restarts
  • Can automatically get (and refresh) API tokens
  • Can ask questions
  • Automatic migration between versions

So there are plenty of reason for preferring the UI configuration, it is not just fixing something that is not broken.

What’s broken though is mixing YAML and UI. From a developer’s perspective, that gives a lot of complexity and undefined corner cases. I think that why we see a move away from YAML.


If you are not going to keep promises then don’t make them is my long held opinion. I guess Developers live by a different set of standards?


For whatever reason it appears 'the alleged" promise has been quietly removed…how convenient. Not really in the spirit of OPEN source in my mind though.

@Robban Would/could you provide a link to the statement please?

I’ll try and see

try that

This is still very much a pattern I disagree with.

UI flows are nice, but they’re a far cry from config-as-code.
I can’t check my UI flows into a VCS. If I want to have a dev/staging/prod environment for HA, promoting changes from one to the next is trivial with config-as-code, but next to impossible with forced UI flows.

I am all in support of making HA more approachable and intuitive for non-power users, but HA has always been amazing because of how much can be done with it from a power-user perspective.
Forcing configuration into the UI destroys a major part of that. It means that the code is no longer the truth.

In any reasonably-sized tech org, it would be the equivalent of getting rid of your build & deployment pipeline, your code-built infrastructure, and all of your automation to keep things running smoothly, and forcing engineers back to SSH’ing in and manually configuring every system. It’s backwards.