0.108: Logos, Area Pages, Lovelace Entity Card, Lovelace Map History

try 2x times rollback 0.107.7 and update, the same errors on 0.108.0.

Yea, HACS is totaly broken, I even restore a snapshot from 2 days ago, and HACS is still broken. What just happened ? I cant uninstall it or install it.

The actual number is in Celsius, but the label shows Fahrenheit.

After updating to 0.108 (Home Assistant Supervised installed on a Intel NUC, running Ubuntu Server 18.04) all my myStrom WiFi-Switches are gone.

They are configured as advised in the integration guidelines and the where ok in release 107.7.


  - platform: mystrom
    name: "myStrom 1"

Could not find any remarks in the release notes or breaking changes, did I miss something?

Anyone else face this problem?

I rolled back for now. I dont have the time at the moment to dig in.

Broadlink is definitely broken. 75% of my RF commands are no longer working.


I upgraded to this version 0.108 and am getting the following error in some of my cards:

ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk 79 failed. (error:

In addition I do not have the new Entity card in the cards list nor do I have the previous card

Running latest HASSIO as VM

I rollerback to 0.107.7 and the error does not appear anymore. aslo Broadlink had issues in 0.108 and is working again after the rollback.

I have an additional HA installed in docker (HA core) and that is running fine in 0.108 - Broadlink and the new entity card.

Rolled back to 0.107.7, because MODBUS not work :sleepy:.

To rollback use command:
ha core update --version=0.107.7

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I need to rollback as my light, mqtt & wemos devices are not connecting. I am running a pi3b+ with a ssd.

How do i roll back ?

I am running raspian buster on a ssd but i am unsure which version of HA i am running. I do have docker containers.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls
Desktop Documents Downloads get-docker.sh MagPi Music Pictures Public Templates Videos
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ha core update --version=0.107.7
-bash: ha: command not found
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ha core update --version=0.107.7
sudo: ha: command not found
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

Thanks Lemiks
Just found it via the terminal add on, but thank you very much,
I will need to learn how to get to it from command prompt CLI

Thanks. Can you replace the one on the panel with this one?

Just posting this in case it helps some others. I found out my HACS integration failed after the 0.108.0 upgrade due to some stray integration files in the custom_components directory. Moved them to their proper place, and everything runs fine.

With the new ZigBee group entity will it know those light have been turned on for example lights that don’t support attribute reporting before if turned on in group would turn the lights on but the UI would so them all off still.

Can it not be made to know it turned on those say 3 lights to then turn them on in the UI?

Hello, I had the same problem, I updated to 108 and hacs broke along with many custom components, I also could not uninstall the integration or appear in the menu of new integrations, I had a backup of 107.7 and it was still broken, luckily, I had a copy of 106.6 and it returned to normal, finally I updated it again to 108 and everything working


How can i assign entities to a new Area Configuration ?

Thanks in advance

For everyone having troubles with HACS and/or custom components:
I don’t know why or when this happened but many files from /config/custom_components/hacs got copied to /config/custom_components, which resulted in many very strange error messages and as well as HACS & some components not working at all. Simply check for duplicates and delete them in /config/custom_components and then restart HA.


Yes… Currently it requires Home Assistant to be running on port 443; unless, you’re using Home Assistant Cloud with Remote UI/Control.

The Camera Capability checks your base_url to make sure Home Assistant is configured with HTTPS on port 443. Your base_url must also match the URL that is used on your SSL/TLS certificate.

For this particular function, your ISP should not be involved. The echo device makes the request from your LAN to the camera stream URL. As long as domain in that URL resolves to your HA instance either local IP of HA or external IP of your router (using Hairpin-NAT), the request should not leave your network.

Also, If you’re using a custom Alexa skill with your own Lambda function you should be sending requests externally to Home Assistant on port 443 already; assuming you’re port forwarding from 443 to 8123 in your router.

If you’re using Home Assistant Cloud, you will need to enable Remote Control/Remote UI and the connection will be made using that URL.

It is also possible to use a reverse-proxy in front of HA, but HA still needs to run on port 443 to pass the check, with a base_url that resolves to the reverse proxy.

Let me know if your need any more help, helping you helps me improve the documentation and the implementation.

Oh that makes a ton more sense, and yeah if that’s in the documentation that would help a ton. I dont use remote ui but can toggle it to test. Cheers mate!

i had the same issue with HACS not working, but after another reboot, everything worked.