0.109: New integrations page and weather card, frontend lost weight

I had the same problem. This worked for me.

this worked for me!

yes it has to do with the entities card. Someone will take care of that soon or later

agree with you there, rather a set back. especially the big lettered (and hence cutoff) useless name, and the tiny conditionā€¦ which is the main info:

along with these rather flattened icons, not to say the loss of the priority info for wind/humidity/pressure in a glance

notice that 1 of my cards shows precipitation instead of the min/max temp, and the other shows humidity. Hope this will soon be improved on.

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is it me (havenā€™t seen anyone post yet) or is it HA 109.1 showing home and not_home, instead of Home and Away in the frontend all of a sudden on device_trackers. Really ugly imhoā€¦ why o why?

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I would just like to say thank you to all the devs for 0.109. I updated today and itā€™s made my browser and iOS app load so much faster. And itā€™s also made my Fire tablet incredible fast.
Again thank you.:+1::+1:

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this update completely broke my hassio install on ubuntu.
Canā€™t even restart the containers to ssh or samba in.

I am installed the same way, and had no issues whatsoever. I assume you have tried restarting the Hass.io Home Assistant machine?

Did you read all of the breaking changes to make sure you didnā€™t have anything that might cause an error after upgrading?

Is the machine still showing on your router as connected to the network?

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I got ā€˜configuration errorsā€™ on:

- spotcast
- cast.media_player

Tried both release 109 and 109.1. Reverted to 108.9.

Basically it broke connection to all my google homes and chromecast devices.

The log error was:

Unable to prepare setup for platform cast.media_player: Platform not found (No "module" named 'pychromecast.const')..
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Have you customized something in your setup? Check out https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/34955 and https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/34567#issuecomment-618127327.

thanks for the reply, ive never needed to reboot before, but Iā€™ll try that now.
All connected to the network still

Make sure that you update Spotcast to the latest version (released a few days ago).

Spotcast had an older version of pychromecast and it interfered with the more recent one in Home Assistant 0.109 causing Cast devices to become unavailable. If you update Spotcast it should no longer happen.

Ok updated to the latest version of 109.1 without any issue (shooow) . I know from the past they were removing the known_devices.yaml which I use the NMap device tracker to get all the devices on the network. Been working fine for a year now. Went into the file and customized the names and icons on all the devices. After I rebooted from 109.1 upgrade it seemed to dump all knowledge of the devices and rebuilt the known_devices.yaml with just all the MAC address names by appending it to the bottom of the customized list I had. Now my question is do we just get ride of the that file and the use of NMap tracker now? Will HA just detect devices and add them? I noticed it removed all entities starting with ā€œdevice_tracker.devicenameā€ all except the Life360 ones. All the others are gone from the entities list. Now that is great because it was very cluttered with all that but now it canā€™t see my smart phone and some other things like it did before. So what I am asking is this supposed to be that way for the future of HA? And if so how do we bring devices in that donā€™t have integrations into HA like Android Phones, Tablets, etc.?

Silly me - spotcast - forgot Iā€™d even installed it. Ignore the dumbo idiot comments I replied with before (quoted below). For some stupid reason I was thinking it was a python library

Thanks for that. Iā€™m using hassos so how can I update spotcast?
Back in the venv days I wouldnā€™t even have posted here until Iā€™d tried all those sorts of updates!

Turns out itā€™s not a rename, itā€™s a domain migration (thatā€™s not mentioned at all in the notes).

Remove it from your sensor config and add it to configuration.yaml as itā€™s own domain like you have switch, climate or sensor.

Iā€™m having the same problem with mqtt cover with 2 shelly 2.5s on my garage doors. Both covers worked fine before I updated to 109. Now up and down are greyed out and stop is the only clickable button. The entity state of both doors show unknown so I have no idea what the problem is. Everything in the mqtt broker seems fine and the doors work and report their state in the shelly app. Just not in HA.

Not seeing that here home

Hi, Iā€™m having the same mistake with tuya curtain, running in rpi 4.

Same problem here with shelly shutters. Is there a solution yet?

Has anyone actually posted a github issue for the covers problem? If they havenā€™t, it wonā€™t get fixed. If they have, subscribe to the issue and get updates.

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