0.109: New integrations page and weather card, frontend lost weight

No just a standard “hassio” install on a rp3b+. Nothing altered. Vacuum is core of wife approval factor so wont be updating again until this is resolved.

I dont know how to do that. I saw your answer to me yesterday and thought that someone did

That is a shame, poorly thought out IMHO.

I think all I did was tell you to be patient and not to ask the same question at 2 hourly intervals!

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That’s correct. But I thought (also) that you are part of team which can handle this, and you take a notice

Thanks for your reply! I’m not sure I understand though. Here are my entries in the configuration.yaml. For 109 I did change the name to synology_dsm but nothing works after that. I’m now wondering if Home Assistant will ever get to a stable situation, right now the work doing maintenance after “upgrades” makes me think I just go out and buy a commercial server like the Gira HS4.

  - platform: synologydsm
    port: 5001
    username: Synology
    password: xxxxxxxxx
    name: Lewiston NAS
      - cpu_total_load
      - cpu_system_load
      - cpu_user_load      
      - memory_size
      - memory_real_usage
      - memory_cached
      - network_up
      - network_down
      - disk_status
      - volume_disk_temp_max
      - volume_disk_temp_avg
      - disk_temp
      - disk_smart_status
      - volume_status
      - volume_size_total
      - volume_size_used
      - volume_percentage_used
      - disk_exceed_bad_sector_thr
      - disk_below_remain_life_thr

Then in UILOVELACE.yaml I use the above sensors like this (just two shown as an example). With 109 I just get entity does not exist.

      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: gauge
            name: Max
            entity: sensor.lewiston_nas_maximum_disk_temp_volume_1
            unit_of_measurement: C
            min: 0
            max: 50
              yellow: 35
              green: 30
              red: 40
          - type: gauge
            name: NVME
            entity: sensor.lewiston_nas_temperature_nvme0n1
            unit_of_measurement: C
            min: 0
            max: 50
              yellow: 35
              green: 30
              red: 40

please ask here

@ SubOrbit
please ask for support here

Why so negative? That sounds so unneeded.

Everything goes in steps. We now gain experience with this part, and expanding slowly to add more features and enable those things.

Making small steps and doing MVPs, keep things moving.

As a matter of fact, this is being worked on.


Tado Integration is completely broken since 0.108. Cannot use the new interface to add component. YAML isn’t working either.

@Filip that is a fairly limited description, which makes it hard to help.

Have you checked our issue tracker for similar reports? If there is none, maybe you could raise an issue? Thanks!

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After few more retries I noticed, that configuring Synology DSM a

  - platform: synologydsm
    port: 5001
    username: Synology
    password: xxxxxxxxx
    name: Lewiston NAS

do not work, these entries are ignored - I removed one from my configuration.yaml and still see one unit configured properly and the other one awaiting to be configured, but never succeeding. So the questions are:

  • Do you see any notification stating that new device was disovered and need to be configured?
    Screenshot 2020-05-01 at 09.31.10
    I do see one and if I go then to Configuration->Integrations I can see one more device awaiting to complete configuration:
    Screenshot 2020-05-01 at 09.32.23
    unfortunatelly when I try to get it working it hangs for eternity on following screen:
    Screenshot 2020-05-01 at 09.33.39
    If you do not see thes, it means that disovery is somehow not working for you.
  • Since this integration seems to rename entities (or rather recreate them with new names) did you checked in Develpper Tools->States if there are new one available? Just filter by Entity Name: synology prior to configuration of UI:

    I think name you gave to your NAS is no longer part of sensor name (until you renamed the sensor manually)

As per the breaking change the name key is also no longer valid fysa.

check this:

Ah! Got it, I’ll have a go with that and see how I get on. many thanks, I’ll work on this over the weekend!

I have the same issues with D-Link sensors all show unavailable in my zwave network

I think it is time someone thanked @frenck for responding on this forum.

Whether you agree with or like his answers it is nice that we finally have someone form the ‘inner circle’ prepared to respond directly to the masses.

It’s like the patient who gets better just because they have seen a caring doctor; it feels good to know that we at least have a crack in the door to speak to those who are in control.


Thank you, I retract my comment. Very good to hear. The new integrations page is a bit “blotchy” with custom component integrations having no logo.

PS undoubtedly th fact that 500 brand images have been processed is down to mainly you and a few others, congrats.

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please add here

About the new weather card, no matter how I play with my monitor settings, this is what I get :