0.110: Speed! OpenZWave beta, HomeKit Cameras, ONVIF, Calendars

I had the same problem with alarm_control_panel and I suspect the thing is that it doesn’t exist anymore on triggered state. This is based on:

The time the alarm stays at pending when triggered has changed from delay_time of the previous state + arming_time (previously known as pending_time ) of the triggered state to only the delay_time of the previous state.

The solution is to set delay_time on the armed_* state instead.

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Fantastic release, congrats. I would suggest for most people to in general not upgrade straight away unless you see something specific of your interest in a changelog. This’ll prevent the frustration I see in this thread.

Imo the release schedule home assistant has is very satisfying, upgrades/new components can be released pretty quickly this way and stability is usually guaranteed after a few days.


Yes it is. :grinning:


thanks any idea when it will get pushed out?

If you’re using watchtower you must be using the docker instance, why not just downgrade back to 0.109, its easy to do with the docker image.

General comment related how breaking changes are communicated and maybe also part of the YAMLGate noise.

This relates to some - not all - breaking changes which are deprecating and later removing YAML configuration of an integration and replace it by GUI config.
My evaluation is that the users are not always given a clear migration instruction how to go from YAML to GUI. And it is not always the same way it is done so you cannot assume it always works the same way

In some cases you cannot migrate, and have to setup the integration again. In some cases upgrading pulls in YAML content and YAML is from then on ignored and can be deleted. In some cases YAML wins over GUI in deprecation period, but then what when the YAML support is removed?

The migration is normally not described in the main documentation. And I agree with that because it becomes confusing word-cruft that confuses users that just start using the integration.
Best is to add the few lines of text in the release note. Then you have the info when you need it.

In this 0.110 release a GOOD example of how to write the release note is the Manual Alarm Panel. I use this and I am affected by this breaking change. The release note gives exactly the information I need to upgrade to 0.110. This makes the breaking change a little annoying but easy to live with and I will have forgotten the pain in an hour.

A less good example is Mill integration (which I do not use). The release note says that YAML is removed and the integration now uses GUI. But not a word about how to migrate. Not in release note. Not in documentation. Not even in the linked PR. If the migration is that the info is pulled over and you can delete the YAML after upgrading HA, then it should be stated in the release note. It takes less than 10 words.

Another almost perfect example is the breaking change for Blink. It says that the info is pulled in. And I assume you can delete the YAML after the upgrade. It could say that and there would be no doubt.

In general. Many of you do a great job with the release notes. But there are still some of you that could have a huge positive impact to upgraders by writing 1-2 lines of release note text describing how to migrate. And only the author of the code change knows this detail so it is difficult for the rest of us to help. I am sure you all try to do your best and simply do not think about it.


I’m having the same sort of issues with my Lovelace cards. Had my home view set up 3 columns wide, upon refresh, it goes to 2 columns and requires scrolling. If it hit “Config UI”, then immediately x out, it goes back to the proper 3 column view. But if I reload the page, it goes back to 2 columns. I also have a map page that was supposed to be 2 columns wide, but upon reload goes to a single column.

That is good feedback @KennethLavrsen, thank you :+1:

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DOC UPDATE MISSING: Xiaomi miio Alarm Control Panel (@starkillerOG - #32091) (xiaomi_miio docs) (new-platform)

Not missing? https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/alarm_control_panel.xiaomi_miio

It appears they deprecated tiggered based on the current “Manual” integration page.

Great release! Thank you so much to the team.

I had tried to get OpenZWave2MQTT running in January so I wasn’t constantly bouncing my ZWave network when HomeAssistant restarted. At the time it was stuck on ozw1.4 which lacked needed secure cover support so I abandoned the project for a bit.

I was just getting ready to give it another go when this new development surfaced today, so I really couldn’t be happier! Gonna give it a shot as soon as I’m done with work today :smiley:

Any gotchas for migrating ZHA from configuration.yaml to GUI based? I assume I can just remove it from YAML, restart, and add the integration in the GUI, but want to make sure I’m not going to lose entities or anything like that.

Seems there’s some weird spacing in Weather Card

I see a lot of spacing all over that card. You’ll have to identify what you mean when you say ‘weird’.

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Easiest thing to do to check if Custom Header is a/the problem is to temporarily disable it as per the notes… "If you need to restore the default header add ?disable_ch to the end of your URL:"


All seems good to me, apart from I appear to have a giant HACS local on the bottom of every single lovelace page.

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Update HACS :slight_smile:

OwnTracks integration seems to be broken during setup - after setup it does not show webhook URL, just empty window.

Lucky you… now in some views I’m stuck to single column and it is with only stock cards (picture-element)… refreshing window helps, but only until next browser start.