0.110: Speed! OpenZWave beta, HomeKit Cameras, ONVIF, Calendars

I’m really happy with the new release. Each release has had its minor issues, but it’s far and away better than every other solution I’ve looked at or tried. What I’m most pleased with is how managing integrations has become much easier (graphical configuration is a huge win), and I’m actually able to manage multiple homes through other hubs like SmartThings. I rarely post, but I’m impressed as hell with the development team, and just wanted to say thank you


I have the exact same issue with Caseta. I downgraded for now.

Found the issue which was discovery related.

I previously ignored ‘igd’ as part of discovery but that’s no longer needed or supported and had mistakenly removed ‘discovery:’ from configuration.yaml to fix the new error introduced in 110.

Adding ‘discovery:’ back fixed the missing soundtouch integration. Hope this helps others!

Yeah, I had to do the same.

See resolution here

@jncanches thanks for this, however I struggle in what to do exactly and how to convert the html file to a js one. Could you please elaborate as to what you’ve done? I highly appreciate it!

Totally agree, I’m trying to migrate from my YAML HomeKit Bridge to the GUI bridge and it’s been sort of rough (opened another thread for that though it seems culturally appropriate to put the question in the release thread).

In the end I rolled back to YAML. I’ll wait for this to shake out before trying to switch again.

Thanks for the link. Putting the full path in solved my issue also.

Great release, no issues, many thanks.


Stream - pyAV >7.0.0 has dropped support for FFmpeg versions <4.0. FFmpeg will need to be updated to at least 4.0 for stream to work. If you run an Home Assistant with the Superviser or Docker, no manual intervention is needed. Alternative installs can check the stream integration documentation for troubleshooting tips.

Except the tip is unlikely to work, as

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/ffmpeg-4
sudo apt upgrade

doesn’t install the headers that pyav==7.0.1 requires - it only installs the binary and man files

Apparently pyav==8.0.0 doesn’t require them (untried - I’m still trying to manually compile ffmpeg 4.2.2 from source)

WOW - really fast UI updates on my PC now but the performance on my (agreed somewhat old) iPad Air v12.4.6 has been hit very badly by an order of magnitude . Safari going from about 3 seconds per page completion to about 30 which is just not usable anymore :slight_smile: I’ll try Chrome too.

I am not sure which iOS clients require which iOS version as minimal now but Home Assistant Companion just crashes on launch.

Chrome is faster but still is taking around 15 seconds to fully draw the screen so that’s still a problem.

I know - replace with faster iPad(s)

Same here, thanks! :slight_smile:

Not sure how to do it exactly on a Synology NAS, but running docker on Linux, just specify the tag you want in your docker run or docker compose file. So instead of something like:

docker run -d --name=home-assistant --restart always --privileged ---v path/to/shared/config:/config:rw -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host -e TZ=America/New_York homeassistant/home-assistant:stable

You’d simply change the “stable” tag to whatever version you want, something like:

docker run -d --name=home-assistant --restart always --privileged -v path/to/shared/config:/config:rw -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host -e TZ=America/New_York homeassistant/home-assistant:0.109.6

You can find the tags here:


You’d need to stop the container, remove the the container, remove the image (think this might be optional) and then run the appropriate command above.

changing site-packages/homeassistant/components/stream/manifest.json to call pyav=8.0.1

appears to fix the install issue.

(still get various stream-worker errors though)

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Anybody’s lovelace interface disapears half a second after loading the page?

Anyone else having issues with tts google_translate integration? tts.google_translate_say doesn’t work after the upgrade. No errors are reported in the logs.

i had to add in base_url to my tts config:

  • platform: google_translate
    base_url: https://#######.duckdns.org
    service_name: google_say

Has any had issues with their Daikin Integration? It seems like the new update broke something. Or is it just me?

Just saw this. I am having same issue. It is displayed but I am not able to change anything anymore.

That worked - Thanks!

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