0.110: Speed! OpenZWave beta, HomeKit Cameras, ONVIF, Calendars

Out of interest, how did you discover that? It’s not in the docs.

Use to be in the documentation for google tts prior to it changing to google translate i believe as I have had that set up for quite sometime now.

Is it supposed to use the configured base_url now? Do you get anything in your logs about that ?

I haven’t updated yet to 0.110, waiting for 0.110.1 before i upgrade. However I stopped utilising the base_url configuration awhile back and only ever had it set for google translate tts platform.

Broken for me too

Yes, I can confirm that I see the same issue after upgrade from 0.109.6 to 0.110.0


I am using the “nest” theme. After changing the theme to default and reloading (in the browser). The top lovelace menu is back. Changed back to nest theme again and it seems to have fixed the issue

Hi, there. I work with customers that require high availability for life support equipment. One thing I brought with me home is to always have a contingency plan to avoid the wrath of the family when things stop working. The basics are quite simple, always have a backup, if possible have a complete second Hw unit where you try new releases before going into “production”, invest in a ups for critical equipment.
These things takes the burden of you and, at least for me, makes it so fun to be part of the community and try all these new possibilities that comes with each release.
Have fun and keep up the good work everyone.


I ran the 0.110 beta for a week on my test-HA (a RbPi 1 :slight_smile: ), so I was pretty confident everything would work when I updated my production HA (intel Atom). The only thing what could go wrong is my usb rflink integration, since that one I don’t have duplicated.

And this release broke my HA :frowning: After update it worked for a while and restarter by itsel and it can not start. It freezes and I don’t see anything in logs. Who might help?

So the log file is absolutely empty? I doubt that.

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No empty but I don’t see any errors. I now downgradeed to 0.109.6 and will see what happens

.0.109.6 is up and running but we will see for how long. My shot is that ONVIF might cause the problems because I still have it in may configurattion.yaml and in 0.110.0 it was moved to integrations. I used have the same problem with huawei_notify and huawei integration

So you aren’t prepared to contribute anything other than it is broken and you have reverted.


Telling the truth I’m in panic right now. Thank for help. If it will happen again I will send some logs but tell me which ones? Those from command line ha core logs and ha supervisor logs?

the ha ones. like

cat /config/home-assistant.log
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Running Supervisor on a VM. Update fails on account of image fetch.

20-05-21 05:51:02 INFO (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant tag 0.110.0.
20-05-21 05:53:22 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can't install homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.110.0 -> 404 Client Error: Not Found ("no such image: homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.110.0: No such image: homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.110.0").
20-05-21 05:53:22 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant] Update Home Assistant image fails

Check that you have enough disk space.

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yep. 404 is diskspace. You need about 2.5-3x the image size free to upgrade.

What do you mean without notice. did you upgrade manually or with some automated method?

There are 2 errors in your log that are clearly listed as breaking changes and would need recifiying

onvif and base_url

There are also a couple of PR listed in all the changes related to the Roomba integration

Thanks gents - will enhance the space and revert. Awesome support!

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When I got more space on the sd card it worked. That solved it for me.