0.110: Speed! OpenZWave beta, HomeKit Cameras, ONVIF, Calendars

I suppose you changed it when migrating to 0.110.0, is in the release notes. I suppose the bad tag is at homeassistant: in the yaml. The old base_url: was at the http: tag.

EDIT: https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2020/05/20/release-110/#internal--external-urls

This is part of my core.config -

“data”: {
“elevation”: 157,
“external_url”: null,
“internal_url”: “”,

Seems normal to me.

No, the old 0.109.6 does not have the external and internal url. This were added by the migration to 0.110.

This is mine:

    "data": {
        "elevation": XXX,
        "latitude": XXXXX,
        "location_name": "Casa",
        "longitude": XXXX,
        "time_zone": "Europe/Madrid",
        "unit_system": "metric"
    "key": "core.config",
    "version": 1
1 Like

Thank you let me try

Noticed this whist updating…

hass-nabucasa 0.34.2 has requirement pytz~=2019.3, but you'll have pytz 2020.1 which is incompatible.
aiohomekit 0.2.37 has requirement zeroconf[ip]<0.25.0,>=0.24.4, but you'll have zeroconf 0.25.1 which is incompatible.

All seems ok though?

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You sir are a legend. It’s all back on 109.6. Thanks

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LOL I didn’t see you provided the answer. Thanks again. Solved my issue.

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My 2 cents worth, the team do such an awesome job with each release that we let our emotions get the better of us and most of us jump in too early.

If you’re willing to use a .0 release then be prepared for problems and thank you to those that do jump in early for your efforts in finding and raising defects that make it easier for the rest of us.

Otherwise wait, read the blogs, see what the problems are and check if they’re applicable to you and then only upgrade when you feel comfortable.


Just want to say thank you to the devs! The update went flawlessly after modifying the base_url for me! Some hiccups with custom header but 12hours later everything is back to normal.


You have to use the js version of font-awesome, not the HTML one (you can still try to make some replacement based on regex using a correct IDE but it’s kinda annoying :slight_smile: ) Donwload the official js files from font-awesome website, and you have to adapt it by adding the requested by HA function “getIcon” (see my example in my previous post)

someone else got problems with picture element card floorplan?? im using conditional to get day and night floorplans, but after the update i got:
![Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-21 um 10.35.30|380x500](upload://xm


Agreed. I was pissed off but

That certainly was me last night and I apologise. What I don’t need though is keyboard warriors and do gooders jumping in and defending the Devs because apparently I am unappreciative and then turning around and doing the exact thing they are accusing myself of doing, but instead it’s directed at me.

Anyway thanks to all.


I have sent you a PM about that

Yes I had same, had to comment out the custom-attribute-card for it to work, found it by commneting all out and adding bit at a time back in until it errored, bit of a ballache.

thanks for your reply , but damn it:D that would be a horrible mess every card is a custom card in there - was it because of an faulty one in there or is it just readding what solved the problem?

Must be the one I removed was incompatible, adding it back in caused the error again.

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So i have commented out my cameras and things have settled down with the restarts. This is my code.

  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: Camera_Bedroom
    input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://192.168.1.xxx/ch0_0.h264
  - platform: ffmpeg
    name: Camera_DiningRoom
    input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://192.168.1.xxx/ch0_0.h264

I am using Yi-HackV4 firmware on my YiHome cameras. The camera stream via LoveLace is working ok but i notice Demux error no DTS and then my previous errors.

Anyone got a fix to this?

Thanks agree with everything you say. I learnt my lesson and have turned off watchtower. I’d rather do the pulls and migration myself in Docker than have it automated.


really great update but I can’t install it :sleepy:

RPI3 with the official image.

I clic on Update

20-05-21 08:38:42 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.updater] Fetch update data from https://version.home-assistant.io/stable.json
20-05-21 09:00:55 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant] Update Home Assistant to version 0.110.0
20-05-21 09:00:55 INFO (SyncWorker_7) [supervisor.docker.interface] Update image homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.109.0 to homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:0.110.0
20-05-21 09:00:55 INFO (SyncWorker_7) [supervisor.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant tag 0.110.0.

The RPI restart but I still stay on 0.109

Annotation 2020-05-21 110205

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