0.110: Speed! OpenZWave beta, HomeKit Cameras, ONVIF, Calendars

Awesome, the integration update allowed me to finally get rid of the upnp errors (old router) from the log by ‘deleting’ the integration and adding the new one. :smile: :smile:

I thought the whole point of it being moved to the GUI was that we didn’t have to do that, geeez

1 Like

Yes, are you using declutter? I see indeed my elements for a half second , then it’s gone…

@DavidFW1960 @tom_l
Many thanks Sirs! Sorted by upping the disk size.

For anyone else facing similar issue;
I am on a VirtualBox VM running Supervisor (Host OS is Linux Manjaro). On the www there are somewhat complicated guides to increase VM disk size. I just changed my existing from 6 to 20 using the global setting.
Reboot. Update. and Boom - all good; no breaking changes for me yet.

Once again, thank you gents!

1 Like

Dont worry, in my experience, the error will be back later, the upnp stuff is not good.

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Well, my TTS broke as well after it was moved to the GUI, so so much for that ‘enhancement’, and as soon as I put it back in TTS this morning, the Google TTS works again, sigh…

1 Like

What the point of this update? Google TTS isn-t working correctly via ssl. I think, it must work with http and https at same time. Only reverse proxy can help with tts bugs both before and after this update.

Hello. Great work. But it is not possible to config my ONVIF camera that requires an empty password! The onvif YAML config is no more documented, so the onvif integration setup wizard from Lovelace should add support for this!
Thank you,

1 Like

Put that in a github issue, it’ll be missed here.

Anybody else getting issue with hunter douglas powerview integration
Get unexpected error when inputting IP address of hub
Log file showing following error, I am using the hub v1

Thanks for the suggestion, but made no difference. It’s still there.

So thanks to all the people that got back to me without being rude. Last night when the update dropped I was in a mood when it all crashed but to say I am ungrateful about the team etc is just utter rubbish. I was frustrated and it was a knee jerk reaction. It seems it 110 started running but http is broken and who knows what else because I can’t get into it. It is working though and at least I can get to everything from Homekit.

I use Docker and when I pull 109.6 it crashes as well and does so even before I see any .log or .db in the /config dir. Did 110 change anything that would cause the previous version to fail? I deleted all .log and .db from the /config dir so it starts from scratch. 109.6 was working perfectly before the update but this is the docker log output.

2020-05-21 06:44:40,stdout,[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.
2020-05-21 06:44:37,stdout,[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
2020-05-21 06:44:37,stdout,[s6-finish] waiting for services
2020-05-21 06:44:37,stdout,[cont-finish.d] done.
2020-05-21 06:44:37,stdout,e[0m[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts…
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout,TypeError: _update() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘external_url’
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," self._update(source=SOURCE_STORAGE, **data)
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/core.py”, line 1443, in async_load"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout, await hass.config.async_load()
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/config.py”, line 468, in async_process_ha_core_config"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," await conf_util.async_process_ha_core_config(hass, core_config)"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/bootstrap.py”, line 168, in async_from_config_dict"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," await async_from_config_dict(config_dict, hass) is not None"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/bootstrap.py”, line 94, in async_setup_hass"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," safe_mode=args.safe_mode,"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/main.py”, line 253, in setup_and_run_hass"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout, return future.result()
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/base_events.py”, line 587, in run_until_complete"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout, return loop.run_until_complete(main)
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/runners.py”, line 43, in run"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," exit_code = asyncio.run(setup_and_run_hass(config_dir, args), debug=args.debug)"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/main.py”, line 347, in main"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout, sys.exit(main())
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/main.py”, line 355, in "
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," exec(code, run_globals)"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/runpy.py”, line 85, in _run_code"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," “main”, mod_spec)"
2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout," File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/runpy.py”, line 193, in _run_module_as_main"
2020-05-21 06:44:34,stdout,Traceback (most recent call last):
2020-05-21 06:44:33,stdout,e[32m2020-05-21 16:44:33 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain persistent_notification took 0.0 seconds.e[0m
2020-05-21 06:44:33,stdout,e[32m2020-05-21 16:44:33 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up persistent_notificatione[0m
2020-05-21 06:44:33,stdout,e[32m2020-05-21 16:44:33 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain homeassistant took 0.0 seconds.e[0m
2020-05-21 06:44:33,stdout,e[32m2020-05-21 16:44:33 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up homeassistante[0m
2020-05-21 06:44:33,stdout,e[32m2020-05-21 16:44:33 INFO (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded persistent_notification from homeassistant.components.persistent_notificatione[0m
2020-05-21 06:44:33,stdout,e[32m2020-05-21 16:44:33 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded homeassistant from homeassistant.components.homeassistante[0m
2020-05-21 06:44:27,stdout,e[32m2020-05-21 16:44:27 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.config] Upgrading configuration directory from 0.110.0 to 0.109.6e[0m
2020-05-21 06:44:27,stdout,e[32m2020-05-21 16:44:27 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Config directory: /confige[0m
2020-05-21 06:44:07,stdout,[services.d] done.
2020-05-21 06:44:07,stdout,[services.d] starting services
2020-05-21 06:44:07,stdout,[cont-init.d] done.
2020-05-21 06:44:07,stdout,[cont-init.d] udev.sh: exited 0.
2020-05-21 06:44:07,stdout,[16:44:07] INFO: e[32mUpdate udev informatione[0m
2020-05-21 06:44:06,stdout,starting version 3.2.9
2020-05-21 06:44:06,stdout,[cont-init.d] udev.sh: executing…
2020-05-21 06:44:06,stdout,[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts…
2020-05-21 06:44:06,stdout,[fix-attrs.d] done.
2020-05-21 06:44:06,stdout,[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes…
2020-05-21 06:44:06,stdout,[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms…exited 0.
2020-05-21 06:44:06,stdout,[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc…exited 0.

Any help would be and always is appreciated. If I can 109.6 going for now would be great.

Thanks in advance.

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It has been.

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Seems to be a combo of HACS upgrade and clearing Cache that worked for me. I’d cleared cache multiple times, tried different machines with the same issue. Only when I’d updated HACS and cleared cache did it go away.

1 Like

I have the exact same issue on a HA-core I installed on a fresh SD-card 32GB in February. And the same happened when I upgraded to 0.109.6. It’s a strange coincidence but nobody seems to care. It could be that RPI3+ have an issue maybe.

1 Like

This is my first major release upgrade and luckily, I got great help.
Some did not.
In hindsight, I now ‘almost’ can understand and appreciate the reason why the devs decided to deprecate the Generic Linux install…far tooooo many variables to offer any consolation and support.
Just my PoV.

Update did not work for me. I tried to update it several times yesterday. it always went back to 0.109.6.
So today I emptied configuration.yaml and tried it again - and the upgrade worked! BUT:

afer refilling configuration.yaml it stated that “pending time” has to be removed from alam panel (which I did) and upnp is incorrect (which I removed). Right after that I rebooted the server, but now it does not start again. it only constantly states “connection lost. connect again”

Log file is full of:

WARNING (MainThread) [xknx.log] Ignoring not implemented CEMI: <UnsupportedCEMIMessage description="APCI not supported: 0b1111000000" />

Can anyone help me to bring homeassistant back to life?

The error is more or less clear:

2020-05-21 06:44:35,stdout,TypeError: _update() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘external_url’

You have the external_url and not the old base_url.