0.112: Making things faster; Logbook & History

bug has been opened…they are safe to ignore :slight_smile:


ok, thnx for feedback

Happy with this release! Unfortunately the Toon integration still does not work. I changed the callback URL as per the documentation but still get errors:

"Developer hint:

The requested redirect_uri does not match any of the whitelisted redirect_uris on the Toon developer page.

Make sure to allow the requested redirect_uri on your registered Toon app in the developer pages

Multiple redirect_uris can be used, separated by a comma."

Does it require a hostname or can IP also be used? The ‘configure Toon’ integration by default returns my local IP and not the hostname after I click the button.

Update: it started working again but some entities are missing. Replaced them by available switches. The boiler module connection component is missing though.
RTFM: It’s all working again :slight_smile:

I confirm that some lines are missing…

what are these below, never noticed thembefore:

2020-07-01 20:33:33 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-108_2) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task was destroyed but it is pending!
2020-07-01 20:33:33 ERROR (ThreadPoolExecutor-108_2) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task was destroyed but it is pending!

edit: NM, seems also harmony related

Was the API update fix for MyQ also included in this update?


So does it ‘always’ ignore just the first 4 lines or does it vary ?

My update hasn’t appeared yet so can’t check, and besides I think I’ll skip the .0 release (they seem to have missed some basics) :roll_eyes:

Yes the update for MyQ was pushed. Go to the blog post, scroll to the bottom and click the “Click to see all changes”. It’s the 4th from the bottom.

It seems it’s always four lines.
At least for me.

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Thank you, I missed that expanded view of changes.

But in the companion app for Android it works.
Or should I say “works”…

Until the last version, the texts appeared in Spanish, but now they either disappear or change to English, as in the case of the water tank, from saying “seco” to marking “off”, when restarting hassos, a time appears correctly.

Same here! First four (4) lines…

We looses 4 lines every time it seems

You can always add 4 first lines of garbage waiting for a fix…
The template testing feature still works. It’s just cosmetic.


If you resize your browser so that the result is below instead of to the right, the result is fine:

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Not only cosmetics.
You loose the error messages too.

Hello After upgrading I have problem with all my MQTT instance (sensor, binary_sensor) It give me the correct state minder than 1 second after come unavailable minder than 1 sec after they give me the correct state and …
What Can I do

| --- | --- |
|installation_type|Home Assistant Container|

### Lovelace

| --- | --- |

Hi, with a MQTT broker connection status change now i have problem with my water and smoke detectors. All they are 433Mhz devices connected thru tasmotized sonoff rf. Now in lovelace i see only unavailable and there is a log error. Please tell me how to fix this?

You loose the error messages too.

You are right.
The best workaround for the moment seems to resize the browser as stated in my edited post

nope. went back to 111 immediately. I am not in the mood of setting all my aqara devices again. And telling me that the api key does not work anymore. Just lol.

Has this been written up on GitHub?