0.113: Automations & Scripts, and even more performance!

Has anyone else noticed that CPU utilisation tends to ramp up with time since the 0.113 update?

It’s not much (on my overspeced system) but is completely different to the level average utilisation I was seeing on 0.112 and earlier.

I found this to be caused by the fact that my card is an entity in an entities card. Using the Airvisual card stand alone works fine

  - type: entities
      - !include /config/lovelace/includes/include_aqi_woensdrecht.yaml
      - type: custom:auto-entities
          type: entities
          style: |
            ha-card {
              box-shadow: none;
              margin: 0px -16px -26px -16px;
          title: Air quality
        show_empty: false
            - entity_id: '*.luftdaten*'
            - entity_id: '*.u_s_*'
            - entity_id: '*.chinese_*'
            - entity_id: 'air_quality.*'
      - type: custom:fold-entity-row
          type: section
          label: More Waqi info
          - type: custom:auto-entities
              type: entities
              style: |
                ha-card {
                  box-shadow: none;
                  margin: 0px -16px 0px -36px;
            show_empty: false
                - entity_id: 'sensor.waqi*'
                - state: '-'

wonder where the bug/issue lies, with the Airvisual card or with Lovelace…of course it could also be a user error :wink:

There have been some reports I think. Can’t find them right now. Symptoms included lock up and/or crippling slow down on lesser systems like pis.


Hi, where I can read info about that? I also have that problem, the use of the cpu goes up and ends up blocking

Yes, I’m in the same boat. Maybe zeroconf issues aren’t completely resolved with 0.113.3

You use the search function in the forum.

But I did it for you :slight_smile: However I am sure there was more than this thread: High CPU usage after 0.113

Thank you very much, I have been searching and reading several threads, I found one similar to my problem, in my case python3 seems to be what triggers the CPU consumption and blocks HA. Thanks again

My mistake, when i did uname -a i got ubuntu in the response so i figured it was an Ubuntu distro.

What packaging system does alpine use?

I there anyone else who is having a problem with the automatic refresh of the lovelace pages?
I am getting no refresh in many cards that are not updated automatically when the state change, and it will only happen after a reload of the page, especially for the media control cards (like mini-media-player. media-control, skyq component etc…)

Yes, especially history card… which is surprising as this is not custom card, but native.

Maybe because you use only single quotes in your template? I expect there a mix of double and single quotes.

The problem (strange behaiver), is that when I use any number in “brightness_step:” larger than 1 this script works until conditions are met as planed. But when I use “brightness_step: 1” this script iterates only once.

PS I checked - this is not caused by quotes.

yes unfortunately …

this is the cpu usage of the docker image home assistant. As you can see, the CPU usage is ramping up, after each restart. And I did not change ANY code…

See this topic for how to debug:

thank you for reply.

I looked deeper into this, but also have not installed spotcast. I tried to install py-spy. But I am running home assistant on rpi3. And I can not install py-spy on ARM devices with this command ‘pip install py-spy’
And I don’t know how to install prebuilt binaries.

Honestly. I am out. How can there be an update for HomeAssistant wich is buggy and unstable. Producing 100% CPU load on small devices like rpi3.

here on my second machine even more.

there is barely code on this home assistant. Just 3 lights, 8 sensors and a little bit of mqtt send and receive.

yes it’s a known issue, and related to python 3.8 as you described. There’s an open issue on github:

Let bdraco know in the other thread.

Because there aren’t enough people in the beta testing program to test all possible combinations of integrations and addons.


I, like others, I believe, are getting the below message:

Problem is I have no idea where the icons are. I have searched the entire SSD for mdi or icons. The only hit I get is in iconset.js. I am running HASSOS on a NUC.

Any suggestions as to how I find the occurences of the mid/icons?

Update your VSCode addon.

This was fixed in release v2.4.0 released 8 days ago (in PR121).


I’m seeing something similar. Upgraded from 0.111 to 0.113.2 yesterday morning and the baseline CPU usage on my tinkerboard s has increased from ~ 12% consistently to ~ 24% and slightly increasing ever since then. The Cpu usage itself is not an issue and doesn’t impact performance, but it has caused much higher temperatures on the passively cooled tinkerboard (usually 45 degrees, now up to 65 degrees). I haven’t been able to identify a particular component or feature that seems to be responsible.