Will it be possible to use repeat or choose in the frontend soon?
I also noticed that you can’t use subseconds in the frontend yet. (Edit: the scripts tab does not even load anymore if there is a script using the new milliseconds delay)
I don’t understand #36609 and the breaking change.
MQTT expires_after would normally expire the state_topic or sensor value.
New behavior is marking the sensor unavailable even when the availability_topic is clearly set. I would suggest that ignoring the availability topic is not the correct or expected behavior.
That is a good point and a salient reminder, do you know if there is a resource listing the deprecated (or soon to be) and their replacements ?
(a link in this blog thread would help many, including me or did I miss it in the OP ? I’ll just check …)
Hey Eugene, engineer at Bond here, great work!
BTW, insted of pooling the state, you can use BPUP (Bond Push UDP Protocol). After establishing an connection, the Bond will push state updates. You can check the docs here: http://docs-local.appbond.com/#section/Bond-Push-UDP-Protocol-(BPUP)
Also I’m curious how your integration handles multiple Bonds and Smart By Bond devices, will be testing that shortly!
Big shout-out the full team. Great to see you make your release on time and with so good content. Every time my HA installations run more smoothly even the depreciated PI zero W in my motorhome
Keep up the good work!
The integration supports multiple hubs - you just need to run UI wizard once for each hub. I don’t own any SBB devices, so can’t tell - but it should work just fine if SBB devices are like an integrated Bond bridge and talk the same API.
Invalid config for [script]: [repeat] is an invalid option for [script]. Check: script->script->nextbus->repeat. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 1614)
Though I don’t see it mentioned anywhere in the release notes, the big fix for me is that the Honeywell Lyric T5 thermostat finally works through the Homekit integration. Setting the temp had been broken forever (I believe was it due to partial degree changes or something, but I can’t find that discussion now), but I can confirm it finally works. Woo hoo! All my components are now finally working!!