0.114: Dark mode, Open Z-Wave progress and more automation & scripts

No it doesn’t.

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After upgrading to 0.114 I had no access to the ui, but i can log in via ssh. :confused:
Any ideas how I can solve this problem?

look at your logs.

Same issue for me, db seems to not be loaded and this cause that issue. However a new db is not automatically created so new mechanism of db validation is not 100% working. Deleting db and restarting solved even for me. But my db was 1 year hold (1,8 Gb size), i have lot of useful data inside… There is a way to recover it?

Same here. Apart from this small issue, all is good.

How working AUTO mode in themes on new version 0.114 ? When set light but when set dark theme ?

I think it is based on sunrise/sunset.

@pepeEL && @nickrout It uses the scheme from your client.
If your device/OS is set to dark mode, HA tries to match that.

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Ok thanks :slight_smile:

I can’t see this behaviour on any of my 3 installs.

reboot has resolved by HACS problem. Thanks.

Concerning the disk space error, please consider voting for Check free disk space before updating

Edit: mostly meant for other people than tom_l :slight_smile: you already voted!

great work as always. only issues i have is that fancontrol entity row and button-card (both via hacs) don’t work anymore even after reinstalling the whole hacs and its repositories. no line about that in logs…

update: believe it or not, but reloading the page in chrome did help.

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I love this Dark Mode! Although I am a bit disappointed - I’ve spent ages fiddling about with my own dark_theme.yaml and now I prefer this one right out-of-the-box!

Great work all, upgraded flawlessly :+1:

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If you’re a Windows 10 user and frustrated by the lack of automatic light/dark mode switching, check out https://github.com/adrianmteo/Luna. Pretty basic, but does the job, and confirmed working with HA.

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You can do set times with task scheduler. Also not much good if you live at higher latitudes where you need sunrise/sunset to set the theme.

has this been recognized/solved yet?
All my custom components are still there, but the system reports them missing in the config checker…safe mode and no where to go!

ssh ha core check checks ok:

0.114 appears to have broken my mysql database!! using mariadb add-on also.

Anyway of fixing this? Have so many sensors and data on dashboards. :cold_sweat:

Error while rolling back event session: (MySQLdb._exceptions.OperationalError) (2006, ‘MySQL server has gone away’) (Background on this error at: http://sqlalche.me

After upgrading sensors in the filter platform are not loading for me :confused:

Repair or delete the db and restart. There’s a repair topic with some helpful (M)SQL commands but they were from before the great optimisation so not sure if they are still valid.

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