When I try to access /hassio/dashboard from the sidebar the page doesn’t load.
The sidebar i still there and the Hass.io link is displayed but when i press it the page just goes white.
It loads fine in my iOS App on my phone. I’ve tried with a bunch of different browsers on different computers, restarts, clear cache and so forth without results. Any ideas?
It’s been sketchy for several releases now. It doesn’t show up for me quite often, but either reloading the page in the browser, or going to a different tab and coming back will get it to show up again.
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Thanks my dude. This has been bugging me for days and theres nothing on the official GitHub issue tracker about it either.
I’m hitting this as well. For me, it seems to be due to the client side theme. Updated the Github issue. https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-polymer/issues/1055