0.80: Lovelace updates, webhooks, TRÅDFRI switches

If you can login your HA via your proxy, Google Assistant auth should work as well, they are using same OAuth flow.

Okay. Weird. Thanks for the info!

This is more of an example of a tree traversal than a webhook, but you could write an automation to close that new hole. Probably need some sort of cover device. :scream_cat:


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Heheh… Automation cannot function without electricity. :slight_smile:

'cause we don’t have robots yet that can do all the heavy lifting! That is, if robots have Home Assistant pre-installed. :slight_smile:

I finally figured it out.
It seems like that now you need a valid SSL certificate.
Previously a self issued certificate was enough. It might be worth to add this information to the docs.
Thanks for your help!

I really love the work that has been done for the webhooks. Just in case anyone is wondering how to use it:

Rugular data:

    platform: webhook
    webhook_id: test
    service: logbook.log
      name: testlog
      message: >
        {{ trigger.data.a }}

And call it from Python like this:

import requests
requests.post("", data={"a":1})

JSON encoded:

    platform: webhook
    webhook_id: test
    service: logbook.log
      name: testlog
      message: >
        {{ trigger.json.a }}

And call it from Python like this:

import requests
import json
requests.post("", data=json.dumps({"a":1}), headers={"Content-type":"application/json"})

Same errors occurring here.

Using the new Google Assistant auth, it says in the instructions that you need to “relink your test app” - does this also mean that I lose all of my google assistant settings and need to recreate all my device information in the google assistant app?

Yes you will need to reassign the devices to rooms again once you have re authenticated google assistant using the new setup unless you having been using the entity config value room, which would automatically assign the device.

after update to hassio 0.80.0 I lost posibility to create Automation.
On top of that, I cannot modify via editor those which currently exist, each time screen is empty


I have these (rooms) defined in the configuration file. When I unlink and relink, everything is then automatically in the right rooms.

For immediate relief, check your config directory and see if you still have an automations.yaml. If so, you can break up each of your automations in that file, and cut-n-paste each into a unique named .yaml file in the automations directory. Also, include this line in your configuration.yaml

automation old: !include_dir_merge_list automations

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That’s not what the Config Validator thinks

project_id: hass-000000
api_key: 000000000000000000000000000000000000
expose_by_default: false
  - script
  - script.pushbullet
  - script.radio538
  - script.stop_bedroom_music_devices
    expose: true
    name: Bedside Lamp Bar
     - headboard light
    room: Kev's Bedroom
    expose: true
    room: Kev's Bedroom

Additionally it’s no longer mentioned in the documentation https://www.home-assistant.io/components/google_assistant/

Cant you just put those three entities in your entity config and state expose: false instead of using exclude?

Can this webhook be used in the flic hub? afraid I don’t know much about webhooks and how to make it work :confused:

evohome component doesn’t work.
The log: Invalid config for [evohome]: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘evohome’]. Got [OrderedDict([(‘username’, ‘username’), (‘password’, ‘password’)])]. (See /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml, line 231). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/evohome/


Not 100% sure what all that means (presumably on the main entity configuration?), but sounds like a no - want them accessible in HASS front end / via the API (through Taskr) but not from Google Assistant (as they either don’t work (Radio538) or aren’t useful)

Additionally, one interesting thing, is that in the updated Google Home app if you try and control one of the aliased devices using the alias (“headboard light”) nothing happens in HASS

I can second this.

Yea so why can’t you do this, all this does is stop it from been exposed to google assistant instead of using exclude entity:

expose_by_default: false
  - script

    expose: false

    expose: false

    expose: false

For those migrating their google assistant component to version 0.80 there is an additional step.

You need to change the fulfillment url under build -> create action and remove the ?api_password part of the url and change it to https://[YOUR HOME ASSISTANT URL:PORT]/api/google_assistant

If you don’t change the url you get 404 error when you try to link the test account.