after updating to ).84.1, all regular groups showed empty on my Mac in regular HA. When I switched over to Lovelace (not yet default) All groups showed fine. Havent refreshed my iPhone app yet, but groups are showing alright up to now there too.
Have tested if it is a custom-ui thing (happened before) but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
All of a sudden, the groups popped back in. so that’s that. I hope.
My Tiles showed up fine at first, but now have dissappeared from the Lovelace interface…
So I have regular Tiles in regular HA, and no Tiles, but normal groups in Lovelace.
What has happened with 0.84.1??? this is in the inspector about a superclass:
Didn’t notice immediately but my Lovelace title has disappeared too. It simply shows the title of the regular HA name:
, as defined in configuration.yaml, while it should show the title:
as defined in ui-lovelace.yaml.
Which got me suspicious and indeed it tries to load the regular views in the Lovelace path… Don’t understand how this can happen, since they havent got the same name (group.weer_klimaat (regular HA) and view_Weer_klimaat (Lovelace) .
Could it be things get mixed up somehow?