0.84: Cloud webhooks, Wunderlist and USGS Earth Quakes


Time for the last release of the year. We were hoping to end the year with an enourmous bang and make Lovelace the default UI. However, in our final stretch we realized that to get to the experience that we wanted, we had to make more last minute changes than we felt comfortable making. If you are a Lovelace tester, please read the section for existing testers below.

We want to wish everybody happy holidays and want to thank all our contributors to the code, the documentation and all the ones in the chat for making up our amazing community. We had a great year with a lot of accomplishments and are looking forward to see all the great stuff you all come up with in 2019. Cheers! 🥂


We will skip our next release in our bi-weekly release cycle and plan to be back on January 9. See you then!

Cloud webhooks

This release introduces a new Home Assistant Cloud feature available: cloud webhooks. With cloud webhooks you can enable any webhook-enabled integration or automation in Home Assistant to be accessible via a unique URL in the cloud without having to open up a port on your router.

This means that you can send any data back to your instance for OwnTracks, IFTTT or an automation with a webhook-trigger. Check the cloud page in the configuration panel to get started or read more about the new functionality at the Nabu Casa website.

Improved service calling

We have improved how we call services with better validation checks. This means that if you have an automation or a script that sends invalid data, we will now stop the execution and be better able to point out where your incorrect calls are coming from.

For existing Lovelace testers

If you are currently testing Lovelace, please read the notes thoroughly as a lot has changed. First, we now have now three different Lovelace modes: auto-generated, storage, and yaml (the old way of doing Lovelace). The UI editor will be limited to the storage mode, in which we control how the config is stored.

So if you were using Lovelace before 0.84, you now have two options. Option one is to use the new storage mode and import your existing file. You can do this by opening the Lovelace UI and click on Configure UI, this will prompt you to change to storage mode. This will unlock a new option in the menu called “raw config editor”. Open this and paste the content of your ui-lovelace.yaml file into it and click save. Note that YAML comments are not persisted.

If you want to continue managing a YAML file, check here how to enable the YAML mode. The file ui-lovelace.yaml will now follow the same options as configuration.yaml. This means that the Lovelace YAML config is now parsed with YAML 1.1 instead of YAML 1.2. Major change is that you need to make sure that you wrap on and off with quotes in your configs!

We have also aligned the configuration of all the cards, causing breaking changes. Changes are especially focused around how we define actions for short and long presses. See [the docs][/lovelace/] for more info.

Editor UI is now further processed. You can manage your Lovelace UI without leaving your browser! It is possible to add, edit and delete views. It is possible to add, edit, move and delete cards, including custom cards!

New Platforms

If you need help…

…don’t hesitate to use our very active forums or join us for a little chat. The release notes have comments enabled but it’s preferred if you use the former communication channels. Thanks.

Reporting Issues

Experiencing issues introduced by this release? Please report them in our issue tracker. Make sure to fill in all fields of the issue template.

Breaking Changes

Beta Fixes

All changes

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2018/12/12/release-84/

Thanks to all who put in effort on this latest release, but especially to those helping to overhaul ZHA. You’re my heroes!

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Where is the new Lovelace configuration stored once migrated? Is it in home-assistant_v2.db?

Thank you for a great year! Happy Holidays!

Looks like its in .storage/lovelace and stored in JSON.

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If we don’t use lovelace yet…it will generate automatically a lovelace.yaml?

It will generate a .storage json file for you

none of my tap-action: toggle actions are working after upgrading. Anyone else have issue?

I have this issue too. But in my phone all ok. Problem only with desktop and mouse

Did you read the mention in the release notes about that this changed and have you updated to the latest config format as per the docs?

Anyone else getting an error like this?

2018-12-12 17:02:08 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201812110] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined

seems there is an issue with some translations

sometime it shows the correct translations for the state

the next time it shows only the state

after a refresh it shows again the correct value

How will this effect custom cards?

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My glance card tap action is not working anymore since the update. Anyone with the same issue?

I’ve updated config according to instructions and can confirm that tap actions only work on mobile. On my desktop tap-actions are not triggered in latest Firefox 64.

I missed out that tap_action and hold_action. Earlier you could just type

tap_action: toggle

but now it has to be:

  action: toggle

Now change it in the new raw config editor and everything works as expected.

Also would like to know how the storage option affects custom-cards.

Also, what are the upcoming plans for LoveLace? Will the yaml file option be deprecated in some time or will there be two options? With the yaml file I would say it gives more flexibility in providing CustomCards instead of the json option?

Really would appreciate some more clarification on why these changes are made so we as users (and maybe some devops) can make up our mind on what solution to go for.


I’m seeing the same here. My doors/windows showed open or closed before and its now on and off. At one point, one of the windows changed to closed but after a refresh it became off again. Very odd.

action: toggle
action: more-info

After a couple of retries and install/reinstall 0.84.0,0.84.1 none of the tap_action and pucture entity work (desktop).

I have migrated lovelace as documented and convert to Home-Assistant control.

Thanks and Happy Holidays

What about custom card ?
The lovelace strategy is no clear at all …
If i understand, we have

  • lovelace edited by the browser (wysiwyg) : storage
  • livelace by YAML : yaml v1.2 now (deprecated ? )
  • old interface deprecated.

Please everything use yaml please continue.
What we need is to edit config file and reload it without reboot : )

I’ve got some strange disk usage since 0.84 and 0.84.1. Opened issue #19234 in issue tracker for it.