0.88: Persons, Command line auth and event subscriptions

ah, that makes sense :slight_smile:

If you don’t track the new releases but the component automatically gets added then how will you ever know that the component is available for you to use? :thinking:

Updates are traumatic enough sometimes without HA adding components without telling you.


Thanks for everyones hard work!

What is the deal with the new “person” component?
How is it different than using a group of devicer_trackers?

Right now for everyone in household I have a group composed each of a device_tracker.ping and device_tracker.bt If atleast one is ‘home’ then the group.person_one is ‘home’. It works flawlessly for tracking, sensor, stats, automations, etc.

I’d prefer to keep things simple by just using core-level components, unless this offers some new advantage.

Right now? Probably not much, other than that it can be linked to a user account.

However, in the future, with multiple user accounts with individual permission levels and device trackers tied to them, the new area’s component with the ability to have a “person” in an “area”, etc, there will likely be many differences.

With the initial introduction of this component there is not much difference, but it might make sense to migrate to it where possible so when more advanced features are added the transition is smoother.


Maybe I am off base with this question, but if I want to keep a separate file for persons named (ex.) person.yaml , (splitting my configurations) I would have normally made a reference in my configuration.yaml file like this: “person: !include include/person.yaml”
If I add default_config: instead, will this not cause a conflict by seeing 2 entries named “person:” in my configuration.yaml? One for the default_config: and one that has the include statement.
I would really like to use default_config so that I am always up to date on the new components, but I have to say that I love splitting my configuration to keep it easy to locate.

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Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed use latest.

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So I installed this component and it totally hosed the machine. When I started it, about 5 minutes later HA stopped responding. So I SSH into it, and that took like a solid minute just to get in, after that, running hassio help causes an out of memory error. I had to restart the computer. Not sure why that happened.

CustomUI seems to be broken since the update. Things like this

friendly_name: Porte du garage
device_class: garage_door
- Porte de garage
icon_color: >
if (state === ‘closed’) {
return ‘#34a853’;
} else {
return ‘#ea4335’;

does not work anymore. I mean the icon does not change its color. It’s always its default blue color.

Someone else noticed that ?

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I’ve seen a couple of other threads in which custom_components are beginning to give warnings that they need the directories to be restructured or they will soon fail.

It’s fairly easy enough to make the switch (unless you have a ton of them, I guess…) but when/where was this change announced?

the good news is you can switch to the new file structure now to beat the rush and your stuff will still work. the bad news is it also breaks the custom resource tracker card once you switch to the new folder structure unless the dev catches that change and updates their code. :roll_eyes:

EDIT: I just re-read the post and saw this:

That’s a pretty nonchalant statement for something that could end up breaking a significant portion of peoples set ups in the near future.



Agreed, won’t be using this here.

Hi all,
I’m receiving the following error when updating HASSOS to 0.88.
Any ideas?
19-02-21 00:18:22 INFO (SyncWorker_6) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/raspberrypi3-64-homeassistant tag 0.88.0. 19-02-21 00:18:25 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [hassio.docker.interface] Can’t install homeassistant/raspberrypi3-64-homeassistant:0.88.0 -> 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (“readlink /mnt/data/docker/overlay2/l: invalid argument”). 19-02-21 00:18:25 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Home Assistant is already running!

Not normally one to complain but ZHA seems completely broken now with 0.88. I had to revert back to 0.87.1 to have it working again.

Entities in the ZHA dashboard have lost all their names, which makes it darn near impossible to know what device you’re looking at there without guessing and drilling down.#21242

Half of the device stops working but not all of it. I.e. the ZHA and Temp Sensor still works but the Binary Sensor doesn’t? #21243

Parts of the ZHA device that were shown as entities are no longer present. 21245

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CoolMasterNet sounds like a very cool component, but it does not look like I can buy one as a home automation enthusiast since I can only get a quote. It’s more for integrators and installers. Oh, well. But hey! It’s nice having Ethernet! No need for Wi-Fi, which is nice! :smiley:

I would try rebooting your pi.

It will add all default options like discovery etc, person, there is a list.

If they follow the link provided it tells them what to do. HA cant be responsible for all the custom components otherwise it would never move forward.
The warning now, will give the dev o that component time to change or the end user time to inform the dev of that custom component the time to change it

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Or just do the simple change yourself… it’s only moving/renaming a file

Only if they ignore basic instructions… so you’re right… lots of people’s configs will break…


Not that people are exactly expected to read these things, but there’s a system architecture discussion section of the Home-Assistant Github page. That’s where the discussions about these things take place, with this particular change being discussed as early as mid-december:

As a side note, it’s a nice repo to read through to get an idea of where this who project is headed, such as knowing about areas and persons long before any PRs were made to add code for those features lol.

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@frenck 0.88 seems to be breaking the adb addon, the addon itself runs fine and i’m not getting any errors, but i’m getting an error that media_player.androidtv is not a valid platform, do i need to update androidtv.py file?