0.92: HEOS, Somfy MyLink, Genius Hub

The web page says “refused to connect”

I’m having the exact same problem. No errors in log except for a
(Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Ended unfinished session (id=326 from 2019-04-25 20:48:48.944519)

did you find the issue?

I have the same problem like you. Are you fix it?

Not sure why, but the problem appears to fixed itself. I’ve made a few restarts in the meantime. Maybe that did it.

Updated to 0.92 just fine on PI B 3+.
Moved snapshot to fresh NUC, restore does not work.
Looking a .tar files, since 90.2, scripts.yaml and a few other files are missing from the nested homeassistant.tar file.

use Flux component? See https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/23388

Update to 92.0 from 91.4 Hassio NUC image failed. Automatic rollback failed. Fortunately I still had SSH and was able to manually issue the update to v=0.91.4 and I then had to issue a restart command to bring the web interface up.

Sorry but it is not clear how to manage this kind of warning for custom components.

Unable to find services.yaml for the custom_updater integration

I have a few custom py scripts in config/custom_components that I can consider as services.
Should I :

The best thing to do is to check the github for the custom component. Many custom component devs have updated already. With respect to the custom_updater - check the issues on the github page. Ludeeus will be updating the component this weekend however, at the moment, you don’t need to do anything at all. It’s just a warning, not an error.

On the tracker card, if you tap on the component name it will take you to the github page.


Thanks for the reply.
My question is not only related to custom_updater. I have a few personal scripts in the custom_components folder with the same warning.

Why are scripts in there? Well if they are yours I guess you know what to do with them…

They are simple single py files like custom_updater.py, and well I am not sure what to do with them :-).

I’am considering to switch to the new Integration File Structure and it is not so clear how to manage the services.yaml file

I was using the custom component for Google Music. Once I removed that everything is working as expected.

Has anyone been able to make a cover (Garage Door) entity work with Google Assistant via the cloud connection? My door locks work OK and it asks for a pin as expected with this release, but not my garage door.

My garage door cover entity is exposed and shows up in the Google Home app, but when I say Hey Google open the garage door, it just says that device has not been set up yet. I have synced devices a few times and restart Hass.

Although the manifest.yaml is optional for custom components, if it is missing we seem to get errors (not warning) in the following format if the file is missing.

Integration integration name not found when trying to verify its domain platform.

Since these are errors, not warnings, it prevents from custom component from being setup. Do you know if this is going to be fixed?

Yes it is fixed…(see my earlier posts):

  1. added manifest.json file
  2. added __init__.py(blank file); Although removing this file, things still work.
  3. Fixed import statements in my customized cover.py file.

I have the same problem. It work fine with 0.91 and older version

Try to run your code through a base64 to Hex and then run the resultat through a Hex to Base64 and use the resulting code.

Or just ad a = to the end. You may have an uneven number of characters. I think the problem relates to wether you removed zeros at the end or not

I don’t use flux but it might be a rogue component not behaving correctly in 0.92 in a similare fashion.
someone said ‘enable debug log’… how do I do it?

Glad I’m not the only one who had this issue!