0.93 Upgrade and Zwave

The other two NUCs are Windows machines running VMware Workstation for work windows servers and also my media system including Plex. I’d like to move it all to Docker but running Windows Server is best under VMware generally.

I would love to have your setup. Still trying to decide on what exactly to buy. Some here are buying cheap nuc’s to only run hassio, but I would prefer a quad cord I5 if I can swing it.

So…is it safe to update now?
I dont have anything special configured. Just 2 devices with the integration panel.

This is what i have in my configuration.yaml

  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM1
  network_key: "xxxxxxx"

Do i need to uncomment this to update? I’m a bit confused about that error.

The two of us that tried basically removed that zwave section from the configuration and updated after the update everything worked without putting the zwave section back. Hopefully you’ll have the same experience.

I am running Hassio/HassOS on a RPi 3b+. I’ve been running z-wave since before the integrations stuff came on the scene, so I’ve always had it in YAML. I have a section like this in my configuration.yaml (there are more devices similarly set up - I just put one to keep it short):

  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
  polling_interval: 10000
      polling_intensity: 1
      refresh_value: 2
      delay: 3

I got the same errors about z-wave when I ran the config checker. But given that we were told that the config checker is broken, I decided to live dangerously and just update from 0.92.2 without making any changes. It went absolutely fine, no issues.

Worked like a charm!

Just commented out the zwave: section in my configuration.yaml

# zwave:
#   usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
#   network_key: !secret zwave_network_key
#   device_config: !include zwave_device_config.yaml

… and the “Check Home Assistant configuration” passed.

[15:06:51] INFO: Installing Home Assistant: latest...
[15:06:51] INFO: Please be patient, this might take a few minutes...
[15:09:34] INFO: Installed Home Assistant 0.93.2
[15:09:34] INFO: Don't worry, this temporary installation is not overwriting your current one.
[15:09:34] INFO: Making a copy of your configuration for checking...
[15:12:43] INFO: Checking your configuration against this version...
[15:15:14] INFO: Configuration check finished - no error found! :)

I then upgaded to 0.93.2 without issues.
… and put my zwave: entry in configuration.yaml back.

Thank you for your inspiration, @kriscii :–)

@palengh glad it worked for you. :grinning:

The configuration checker addon was the problem.
With 0.94 the addon is updated to version 2.0 and works as it should.