0.94: Config page, is it possible to hide/minimize disabled panels when using YAML config?

Is there an easy way to either hide or move the disabled cards to the bottom of the page? I don’t need to be reminded every time and it is a tiny bother that I now have to scroll every single time I go into that page to check config or restart HA.

I even tried to block with adblock but I can’t figure out how to target web components.


They are part of the new configuration so people don’t have to use configuration.yaml to set those options. They are only disabled because they are controlled on your system by the yaml config.

If they are so distressing for you, you could create a lovelace card to call the service to restart or check config etc.

First world problems!


No, they are not “distressing” to me, but if you have a manual configuration and they are disabled THEN you are MORE likely to need the stuff at the bottom of the page. Consequently having almost an entire page filled with unusable cards is just poor user interface.

If the cards were designed to collapse into a title bar when disabled that would be nice too. I might even work on that and submit a pull request if there is no other way to hide them.

Or if the developers are planning to deprecate manual configuration and don’t care about the “legacy” configuration approach any more, then it would be great to know that too.

The entire concept of having home automation is a 1st world (0th world?) concern


They have repeatedly stated they are not going to depreciate yaml configs.
This is just a first pass of the new config anyway and I would not be surprised to see it change in the future or even be hidden somewhat - but remember they really are catering to novice users and making stuff easier for them.


Make an HA restart script. Takes 30secs and you will never have to look at that page again if you so choose.

  alias: Restart HASS
    service: homeassistant.restart

Really it isn’t the restart, it is the configuration checker. I use that many times per week, and yes, it is possible to open a new tab and scroll down and then have the button at the ready.

Or to use a network tool to initiate the request. I know many possible different workarounds.

IMO 0.94 introduced a usability regression for legacy configuration users, and there is not an in-situ mitigation.


Given the inaccuracy of the config checker, you are better off using the ssh addon anyway TBH.
I don’t really agree it’s a usability regression… it’s a small scroll…

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I too was surprised at how much a “disabled” feature took up for no real reason.


It’s only disabled if you have those settings in config yaml. For new users this is part of the onboarding and it’s all about a user not being required to touch yaml or a text editor to get started. Experienced users can still use yaml if they prefer. It’s a choice. They want to make HA more accessible to ‘normal’ people

Yep, I agree, sounds like it will certainly help people who don’t want to dig around in yaml. It just seems that it should just make the new panels disappear if they are already set.


I agree with @a3a and @rpress , Even if this is geared to new users, once the info is entered either thru the panels or thru ,yaml, the panels need to move out of the way. The items you need are at the bottom of the page, not the top…


First thing I did once upgrading was removing that part from my configuration.yaml and then configuring in the browser. Why wouldn’t you? I think it looks great and shows how far Home Assistant has come.

The best way to make suggestions is to be positive. This is especially true with open source products and things that are more little annoyances than actual bugs.


I did as well and I have been using HA for almost 2 years now. I like to try the new features. I agree it looks great.

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I do thank you for bringing to my attention that it is possible to enable those panels without entirely losing manually built configuration. – This ability was not mentioned in the release notes nor the release blog, although I see that earlier today someone mentioned it in the random-grab-bag release thread.

If you want to keep your configuration.yaml while also using the new Configuration > General > Name and Configuration > General > Core forms, then you must remove the following keys from the homeassistant section of your configuration.yaml:

  # Leave commented out to enable name config panel (ha-config-name-form)
  # name: Home
  # Leave all the following commented out to enable location config panel (ha-config-core-form)
  # latitude: !secret home_latitude
  # longitude: !secret home_longitude
  # elevation: !secret home_elevation
  # unit_system: !secret home_unit_system
  # time_zone: !secret home_time_zone

Then restart HA and manually select the values that you previously had configured, unfortunately you will need to use meters regardless of the measurement unit chosen and you will have to manually zoom out about 20 steps to see something other than the western Atlantic Ocean, then drag the pin to an approximate location rather than entering precise lat / lon coordinates.

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Loving this new release apart from this layout. When editing yaml files and needing to restart a lot, it’s a bit of a pain to scroll down, config check, restart. As said above, once this is all set, does it need to be visible, how often will it be changed really ?
I could do a button to restart but use the config check button first and make sure it says OK, is there a way to replicate the “OK”, if so, maybe I can create a card for checking and restarting ?

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Yes homeassistant.check_config and homeassistant.restart service calls

Thanks, is there a way to get a “configuration valid” message/event ?

There is some discussion around this on the Discord as well, so it sounds like we could see some changes to this as it evolves. Remember that this is the first release of this functionality and it’s still being fine-tuned. I’d agree that a change would be good, as not only is it not useful to see these cards if you’re configuring these settings in configuration.yaml already, but once you’ve set your system up for the first time as well, these aren’t settings that are going to change that often. It probably makes sense to minimize them or move them to the the bottom.

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Sure, but since my house isn’t moving at all but my configuration.yaml is changing quite often it is more efficient that the check config button is more prominent.

I hope this sound not offending to anybody but i am no native english speaker and can’t write so eloquently, since i use google translator to write this text.


I also apologize if I rubbed anyone the wrong way.

Really I love this software and the community. I just started asking a question about how I could avoid a problem that I have and I should not have written anything in ALL CAPS.

I am a professional software architect and developer and I have people criticize my stuff on a daily basis. I know how hard it is to make everyone happy and develop UI/UX that satisfies newbs and experts simultaneously, and I’m grateful that we have available to us such a powerful tool for home automation.