0.94: SmartHab, Watson TTS, Azure Event Hub

Does that mean that we - as users - don’t have the ability to do that at the moment? Or does it mean that the devs don’t have the ability to do that at the moment?

As I suggested in the other thread, why can’t the previously titled “General” page be left exactly as it is and renamed “Configuration Validation and Server Control” with a new link to it just below the “General” button and put the new general configuration settings in the current “General” page as it is?

I like the new editor for setting your location, etc. but have a couple of suggestions.

  1. It doesn’t look like there is a way to manually enter a latitude and longitude, the only way I can set the location is by selecting it on the map which can sometimes be a bit fiddly to get the location exactly right).
  2. One of the videos demonstrating the new interface showed an option to detect the location by IP address, I can’t see this in the interface. Was this removed? Could an option be included to set this based on current location, especially if a mobile device is used to access the frontend?

This is not true.

Are you running HA in Docker with a non-root user? Then you are facing an issue with a missing, but uninstallable dependency on fritzconnection package.

Is anybody else having trouble with the TP-Link component after upgrading? I am getting ‘entity not available’ for half of my lights and switches…

Okay, than have a look here: Fresh Hass.io Installation does not work correctly!?

After upgrading to 0.94 the GpsLogger component seems to stop working:

2019-06-09 15:21:36 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Error during setup of component device_tracker
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/setup.py", line 153, in _async_setup_component
    hass, processed_config)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/__init__.py", line 115, in async_setup
    legacy_platforms = await setup.async_extract_config(hass, config)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/device_tracker/setup.py", line 109, in async_extract_config
    platform.name, platform.type))
ValueError: Unable to determine type for gpslogger: None

The config is:

- platform: gpslogger
  password: !secret gpslogger_password
    track_new_devices: false
    hide_if_away: false

Have a look at the release notes, there’s a change to gpslogger (device trackers)

I used gravatars for pictures in the old known_devices. Is this not possible anymore?

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I looked at it but it only says:

These integrations will no longer use known_devices.yaml but instead use entities, like all other integrations in Home Assistant. You can change the name and entity ID via the UI.

Since there are not new entities created for the 3 devices I am tracking I am unable to use certain automations. And from the error seen I would assume the gpslogger module isn’t working. Same for snmp tracker, since I can’t see anything added from there.

It also doesn’t help that the components pages are not updated for 0.94 regarding this.

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Where are the release notes for 0.94.1?

I had to delete the gpslogger platform and add it as an integration instead.

I meant 0.94.1 instead of 0.94.0 :slight_smile:

Strange thing is that this is the latest blog for Release Notes. Not sure why there isn’t one for 0.94.1

I have just done that and that works. Now need to check how SNMP tracker would work, since this requires polling and it doesn’t seem to track other devices I am tracking.

That has nothing what so ever to do with the version of python you are running.

the 0.94.1 release notes are there, just read down the page!

And clear your cache as well if you don’t see them.

This feature is also needed when the “Enable 2-factor authentication” mysteriously isn’t available by default for a Cover (Garage Overhead Door, using myQ component).

So I have to unexpose the cover to Google since there is zero security from a voice command until I can add a PIN.

BTW - isn’t simply requiring a “something you know” PIN just a single factor? Requiring “something only you have” in addition to a PIN or password is the definition of “two-factor authentication” that I’m familiar with. If I changed Google Asst to respond to my voice only in addition to PIN, that would count as 2-factor though but I think that’s an all devices or nothing approach that limits my HA usability for others.

EDIT: After discovering there is a bug report for this very issue, the solution was to customize the cover garage door entity to specify a device class of “garage” (or door)