0.99: Withings, Device Automations, launch Home Assistant Cast from Python

I am also missing any triggers for device automation’s. Using the default ui.

Hi all,

I’ve just updated to 0.99 and Cast integration is not working anymore. I can’t delete it or manage it.

I’m the only one?

The majority of my devices (30ish) are wireless but according to my controller only 4 devices show as being connected to my unifi ap. I find that kind of hard to believe even taking into account my asus routers (those are set to ap mode so they shouldn’t be “routing” anything as far as I understand it).

I guess it’s possible to force everything to the ap but then I lose the capability of my asus routers extending my network range.

Unless i want to spend even more to get all unifi stuff (and I really don’t) and ditch the asus stuff I’m kind of stuck with my network setup for a while. And besides it’s working really well right now so I really don’t want to change it…except for the HA unifi integration stuf.f

Same here, updating to 0.99 broke my IKEA Tradfri integrations.

For me this release is fail regarding lovelace GUI and unused entities…

Add this to your theme.

card-background-color: "var(--paper-card-background-color)"

This is possible thanks to all the people who subscribe to Home Assistant Cloud

Just a random suggestion for @balloob and team to consider a slightly different brand name than Home Assistant Cloud.

With all the negative connotation around large name cloud brands privacy issues, it may be lost on new HASS users that this product is nothing like the typical cloud home automation service. A name like Home Assistant Remote or Home Assistant 247 or 168 or anything suggesting remote access and setup convenience anytime anywhere, might be an easier sell. The focus of the brand can relay convenience for HASS users, without any implied association with cloud services that take away user privacy and local control, which of course are to HASS’ immense differentiating advantage.

Keeping in mind that most users don’t necessarily take the time to read through the great documentation let alone look at the source code showing what Home Assistant Cloud does and how it does it to protect privacy without taking away anything from the FOSS version.


I’ve just updated my Hassio and noticed the same

Thank you, it’s working now…

The HomeaticIP breaking change - what should I do when I use the component? Or is this only necessary if I use the mentioned stuff in e.g. automations?

Same for me as well. Had to roll back for now.

It’s work.Thank you.
But every time HA restart sensor shows “Unavailable” status.
Have to remove from integration, restart, add again.

For me rollback worked out. There is an alert (see link below) for Ikea Trådfri GW update.

but the alert is not correct… I fear its a Ha issue and not a Tradfri issue. 1.9 here working beautifully on 98.5 still. see.https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/26673

should probably read:

Updating to Ha 0.99 will cause the IKEA Trädfri integration for Home Assistant  to no longer work with the IKEA gateway (now on version 1.9).

call it nitpicking… Luckily a fix is underway!

It’s the little things that make me smile. Like this improvement. =)

The “unavailable” is clear and to the point. =)

Thanks for the update’s and Happy 6th birthday.

anyone know how to render the unused devices table with slate theme? Mine shows up all white

Same! Ikea Tradfri not working. Hoping it´s fixed in 0.99.1 :ok_hand::tada:

File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/tradfri/config_flow.py”, line 55, in async_step_auth
self.hass, host, user_input[KEY_SECURITY_CODE]
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/tradfri/config_flow.py”, line 164, in authenticate
key = await api_factory.generate_psk(security_code)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytradfri/api/aiocoap_api.py”, line 195, in generate_psk
self._psk = await self.request(command)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytradfri/api/aiocoap_api.py”, line 155, in request
result = await self._execute(api_commands)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytradfri/api/aiocoap_api.py”, line 146, in _execute
_, res = await self._get_response(msg)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pytradfri/api/aiocoap_api.py”, line 95, in _get_response

Scroll 11 posts back. :slightly_smiling_face:
EDIT: Sorry, 10

yea i tried that and the unused devices still shows up white

From the slate.yaml:

  paper-card-background-color: '#292929' # this line is already there
  card-background-color: "var(--paper-card-background-color)"

Services -> frontend.reload_themes

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