0.99: Withings, Device Automations, launch Home Assistant Cast from Python

This, with a link to THIS page (where it says check the docs)

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I’ve always maintained my known_devices.yaml file, and set all of my new devices to not track by default in device_tracker.yaml. This is what my config looks like. Maybe this will help sort out your problem?

- platform: unifi_direct
  interval_seconds: 30
  consider_home: 90
  username: USERNAME
  password: PASSWORD
    track_new_devices: false
    hide_if_away: false

Which release notes are you referring to if not the blog page or this thread?

Ahha. You’re using UniFi_direct not the UniFi integration so yours still works the old way.

i am referring to this blog thread, but everything thats typed above the release notes/breaking changes is not always new, sometimes they just mention something about cool stuff thats possible :slight_smile:
but nevermind anyway :slight_smile:

I think for some things it’s always worked but a few addons wouldn’t accept that. Maybe they do now… I’ll need to see

yeah, i think it was there before already, now indeed maybe for every add-on

You can still set similar track configs though, right?

I can track the family devices just fine as they are being pulled from my UniFi controller (along with 50+ IoT devices) but the known_devices.yaml no longer auto populates under the new UniFi integration unless I’m missing something.

It was added in Hassio supervisor version 186

You see them as disabled so that if you want to track them at a later point you can enable them again. If you delete them UniFi will create them on next restart of Home Assistant.

What you might want is a button to show/hide disabled entities in the Gui?

ah ok thnx

so is secrests possible for every add-on then? or do the add-ons needs some updatess?

Every add-on has that support now (as long as you have supervisor 186+)

Perfect, that’s the answer I needed :wink:

Nice feature

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Happy 6th Birthday Home Assistant=)

update 0.99 also broke my Ikea Tradfri Integration, rolled back to 0.98.5 things working again!

Yeap same issue here :frowning: , was so happy but not working for now

Wait, I thought all of those options were now removed? It is my understanding that the unifi integration no longer uses or cares about known_devices.yaml.

I know for a fact that none of my devices that were imported by the unifi integration are stored in my known_devices.yaml file. It only has (had…) my devices that were there from my asus router.

Maybe if you used the unifi equipment prior to the new device tracker implementation then you may have been lucky enough to be “grandfathered in” but I don’t think it works for new unifi users - me included.

There were many discussions about this in many threads over the last two releases. First it was implemented in v97. Which led to the “fixes” in v98 that allowed us to disable entities and a couple of other customization options in the main unifi integration config that TBH, didn’t really fix all of the issues, as noted by the remaining questions above.

If all that you say is true then we really need someone who knows what is really going on to comer in and definitively set the record straight on this.

At first thought, I guess that would probably work. I haven’t really fully considered it tho, so I don’t have a reasoned opinion on it yet, pro or con.

But what I think we all really want/need is clarification on exactly how this new device tracker system is supposed to work since eventually all device trackers will be switched over. Right now it only affects a couple of integrations tho.

Is the old sensor no longer available? Is this an undocumented breaking change?

Configuring the sensor using YAML certainly did not work for me (despite what the docs say).