📝 100% Templatable Lovelace Configurations

This card @iantrich and the ideas I got from looking at how you’re using it @GaryOkie saved my life! ok maybe not that dramatic but seriously it’s really cool what possibilities this opened up. With this config-template-card and a bit of html and HA automation, I was able to extend the features of the Ring HA add-on: GitHub - tsightler/ring-mqtt-ha-addon: Home Assistant addon to integrate Ring alarm and camera devices via MQTT so that now my HA dashboard card shows each new motion event snapshot image and plays the relevant video instantly and of course, without having to refresh the dashboards!


Can someone help me with the syntax on this. I am trying to change the backgrouund-color based on whether a specific entity is part of a group. I have tried various routes, this is my current failing effort (result is the picture entity is just blank)

type: custom:config-template-card
  - light.study_lights_group
  - group.dynamic_lights
  type: picture-elements
  image: local/floorplan_ground2.png
    - type: image
      image: /local/study.png
        background-color: >-
          ${ if('light.study_lights_group' in
          state_attr('group.dynamic_lights','entity_id') 'rgba(252, 3,240, 1)';
          else 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';}
        top: 35.45%
        left: 78.5%
        width: 23.1%
        transform: rotate(-90deg)
      entity: light.study_lights_group
        action: call-service
        service: script.group_change
          selected_light: light.study_lights_group

It has me stumped, similar syntax worked for changing based on a if (states[‘entity’].state == ‘x’, but I cannot get it to work for the if … in state_attr … form.


Hi, I have some JS in the “inner” card (apexcharts), and it stopped working after I added config-template-card. Below is partial example: the script in apex_config/legend/formatter doesn’t work any more. Is there a fix? Thanks!

type: custom:config-template-card
  - sensor.bieznia_dystans_wg_tygodni_sql
  type: custom:apexcharts-card
  graph_span: 35d
	end: week
	offset: '-1d'
	  formatter: |
		EVAL:(seriesName, opts) => {
		  let arr = opts.w.globals.series[opts.seriesIndex],
			value = arr[arr.length - 1];
		  // ... do some stuff with 'value'

A card inside CTC is only updated when a monitored entity is updated.

I know, it’s a different problem: inner card scipts don’t get called at all. As if they weren’t there.

Probably this is a question to the apexcharts card’s author too - why scripts are not called…
Not to blame anyone, but you should raise an issue for both cards.
Also I suggest you to SIMPLIFY a script when posting issues in Github - to make it more clear for people (and easier to reproduce).

I think, CTC probably intercepts all javascript code, so I have to call my inner scripts differently. Oh well, time to learn some JS, I guess :frowning: :smiley:

Any reason of using JS just for a legend?
Can you move this code on the upper level - on the CTC level?

Yes, I was hoping, moving code up would work, and it did :slight_smile: But if the function needs access to dynamic arguments provided by inner card - you have to return the “inner function” itself. So eg. I had this code to transfer xaxis labels into weeks:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
	  formatter: |
		EVAL:(timestamp) => {
		  let d = new Date(timestamp);
		  let d2 = d.toLocaleString('unknown',{month:'short',day:'numeric'});
		  d.setDate(d.getDate() - 6);
		  let d1 = d.toLocaleString('unknown',{day:'numeric'});
		  return `${d1}-${d2}`;

After adding CTC, it becomes this:

type: custom:config-template-card
  getXaxisLabelFunc: |
	() => {
	  // transfers week end date into week range, eg. 8-14 jan
	  return `EVAL:(timestamp) => {
		let d = new Date(timestamp);
		let d2 = d.toLocaleString('unknown',{month:'short',day:'numeric'});
		d.setDate(d.getDate() - 6);
		let d1 = d.toLocaleString('unknown',{day:'numeric'});
		return \`\${d1}-\${d2}\`;
  type: custom:apexcharts-card
		formatter: ${getXaxisLabelFunc()}

Good evening! Thanks for creating this awesome card! I’m trying to modify the name of my lamps, but somehow it doesn’t want me to use replace on the friendly names. What am i doing wrong?

The following works:

   - type: custom:config-template-card
        - light.badezimmer
          type: custom:mushroom-light-card
          entity: light.badezimmer
          name: "${ var name = states['light.badezimmer'].friendly_name; name}"

Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 02.28.01

The following also works perfectly
name: "${ var name = 'Badezimmer Hue'; var x = name.replace('Hue', ''); x}"

Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 02.33.22

However, the combination doesn’t work (the card isn’t displayed)

    - type: custom:config-template-card
        - light.badezimmer
          type: custom:mushroom-light-card
          entity: light.badezimmer
          name: "${ var name = states['light.badezimmer'].friendly_name; var x = name.replace('Hue', ''); x}"

Any help would be very appreciated! Thanks :slight_smile:

I think the friendly_name is an attribute of the light.badezimmer.

name: "${ var name = states['light.badezimmer'].attributes.['friendly_name']; var x = name.replace('Hue', ''); x}"

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Amazing, this worked! Thanks a lot, searched for hours and didn’t understood why it wasn’t working :slight_smile:

name: "${ var name = states['light.badezimmer'].attributes.friendly_name; var x = name.replace('Hue', ''); x }"

I’ve been trying to pass a sensor entity as a variable but it doesn’t work. I see an error in the browser console ReferenceError: sensor is not defined. Is there something I’m missing?

type: custom:config-template-card
  - sensor.temp4
  entity_id: sensor.temp4
  type: gauge
  entity: ${entity_id}

seems an improper use for this card if you ask me, setting a name can be done directly in the card? You should really use config-template-card as sparsely as possible, since it is very heavy on the system. Also, use it only for what is was designed for: to template the config option in Dashboard.

setting a name in an entities object on a single card does not require that.

not sure why you don’t use:

       type: custom:mushroom-light-card
       entity: light.badezimmer
       name: Badezimmer

what’s more, you can even set the name on the light directly, just edit it in the UI. You would not even need to set the name in the card at all…

if you want to create a generic card config, you could use a template inside the button-card (which mushroom essentially is) for that.

entity_id: '''sensor.temp4'''

if you don’t mind me asking, but why would you do that? simply passing the entity_id would be straightforward, and not requiring the config-template-card at all?

because of that, I fear you might be using the wrong card for your requirements, and hence tasking the system unnecessarily so.

That’s a simplified example. My actual usage is a lot more complex…see below. I have 4 of these cards and I’ll potentially expanding that to 8.

type: custom:config-template-card
  - input_datetime.dosing_reset_time_calcium
  - input_number.dosing_container_weight_calcium
  - sensor.dosing_days_remaining_calcium
  maxDays: >-
  type: vertical-stack
  title: Calcium
    - type: gauge
      entity: sensor.dosing_days_remaining_calcium
      min: 0
      max: ${maxDays}
        red: 10
        yellow: 15
        green: 20
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: markdown
            daily_dosing: >-
            days_since_reset: >-
          content: >
            ### Configuration

            **Dosing:** {{ config.variables.daily_dosing }} ml/day

            **Last Calibration:** {{ config.variables.days_since_reset | round
            }} days
        - type: markdown
            remaining_vol: >-
            weight: >-
          content: |
            ### Estimates
            **Weight:** {{ config.variables.weight | round }} g 
            **Remaining:** {{ config.variables.remaining_vol | round }} ml
    - type: entities
        - entity: input_number.dosing_container_weight_calcium
          name: Calibration Weight
    - type: button
        action: call-service
        service: input_datetime.set_datetime
          timestamp: ${Date.now()/1000}
          entity_id: input_datetime.dosing_reset_time_calcium
      show_icon: false
      name: Mark Calibration
      show_state: false

Thanks, that solves my issue

sure, that makes sense :wink: those are true variables, in the sense they are templates, and not plain entity_id’s.
that’s why I asked.

seems a rather heavy card, don’t you notice any lags or heavy loading there? Expanding that to even 8…

The card is used within auto entities. So as i have many lights (>30), this trick enables me to populate the mushroom light card without needing to change all names. It works perfectly now. (thanks for the further ideas, maybe i’ll go renaming them manually if that helps performance).

Here the full example (where it is now working perfectly):

- type: custom:auto-entities
      type: grid
      columns: 4
      square: false
    card_param: cards
      method: name
        - domain: light
          area: Wohnzimmer
            type: custom:config-template-card
              - this.entity_id
              type: custom:mushroom-light-card
              entity: this.entity_id
              name: >-
                Hue', '') }
              fill_container: true
              show_brightness_control: true
              use_light_color: true
              secondary_info: none