.103 update not installing

I did a search and could not see what the issue was with API Password. I always have this in my secrets file. Can you point me to the docs? Thanks.

I told you it was in the last few releases. Read the release notes, I am not doing it for you.

I found this on 101. I don’t see how this has anything to do with having API password in the yaml file. If it does, I don’t understand where the passwords would go? Maybe you have a different understanding. I now have the update installed with these in my yaml file. Problem must have been one of my custom components. Still working to find which one.
Remove direct authentication via trusted networks or API password (@balloob - #27656) (auth docs) (http docs) (websocket_api docs) (breaking change)

API password is deprecated! Don’t use API password. That’s what it means.

If you have API password in your configuration yaml get rid of it!

What do you mean “where the passwords would go”?

If 0.102 is working for you then api-password is NOT your problem.

Have you been through the thread I pointed you to?

Again, I’m not sure what it means. In my yaml file I have several examples of

api_key: !secret join_notify_api_key

This is per the documentation of the different integrations. If it doesn’t go there where does it go instead of the yaml file?

Thanks. This was not my issue. Still trying to determine which of my custom integrations caused the issue.

What makes you think it is a custom integration?

At what point was anything mentioned about your integrations and their api_key?

api_password…api_password on the HTTP component is deprecated…not sure why this is difficult to read.

As I said I didn’t understand what the API password change means. I was hunting to try and figure out why the update kept failing. It was mentioned that this could be an issue. It wasn’t.

Because I removed them all and the upgrade worked

No it is not deprecated. It was deprecated many versions ago. It is no longer supported.

Deprecated means “recommended not to use, it’ll be removed shortly”. We are way past that.

Well that is the first time you have said that.

So it is working for you now? Great.

A little more info if others are having issues and how to solve. It looks like my problem was not an add-on or custom card issue as all of what I had before is working again. It looks like I had formatting errors in my lovelace UI code which was causing it not to load.

If you can get to your lovelace UI code you can try modifying it.
Not sure what was changed, but many of my stacked cards that I had before are formatted differently now. I.E. Horizontal with other cards inside, etc. Thanks for everyone’s help .

Fully re-installed Home assistant.
Couldn’t check the log or history, installing new addons was impossible. everything was broken.
So created a full backup. Flashed the SD card, Re installed Hassio and put back every folder from the backup…Never again please haha. Happy to have it working again, probably the sd card was corrupt or something. i don’t know. Maybe next step is to buy a NAS.