16 bulb light, slider to turn them on one by one

I have a ceiling light in the bedroom with 16 smart bulbs. All 16 at the lowest brightness is too bright for cozy lighting. I want to have a lovelace slider (and an automation for the physical dimmer remote) that starts by turning on 4 bulbs, and then turning on additional bulbs or defined groups before it starts increasing brightness when they are all on.

I’m sure someone has solved this, but extensive searching has gotten me nowhere. Any ideas?

Can’t you just create 4 groups of 4 bulbs each? In HA it’s really simple

I can yes, but I don’t know how to link them to a slider in lovelace to turn on one by one as the slider progresses, and after all are on, start increasing brightness.

I think I would make a slider that goes from 0 to 1600 and that will then be the brightness slider.
The bulbs then needs to be named 1-16.
There will then be made some calculations, because you will have a some bulbs at a low value and others at a high value.
The high value is just the low value +1.

The low value will be slider value/16|int
The high value will the low value+1, but the question here is how many bulbs should have that value, which will be slider value%16. This value is the number of bulbs that needs to have the brightness raised with 1.

You then have a sliding scale for 16 bulbs and can then just play with the steps on the slider.
Of course you need to make a script that increase the brightness on those extra bulbs.

Thanks for the tip, will try something based on this. But to clarify, I don’t actually need them att different brightnesses, I need them in various states of on/off. I want the slider to turn bulbs on one by one or group by group, and once all are on, start increasing the brightness.

This setup will handle that too.
If you set a slider value of 8, then the low value will be 0 and there will then be 8 bulbs that will have set the high value to 1 (low value of 0 + 1), so 8 lamps will be turned on.

Thanks, will try this!

Lightener does EXACTLY what I was asking about.


Nice, there is already an integration for it.
HA still amazes me. :slight_smile: