2.0 beta testing feedback

You won’t ever see the mobile_app webhook URLs or be able to manage them. The app will automatically attempt to use the cloudhook URL and fallback to the actual instance URL if needed.

Did you see any errors in your HA log? A 400 in the error message means HA rejected the call for some reason, most likely invalid syntax somewhere.

That’s a HA issue, not a iOS or mobile_app issue. Your template is invalid.

Please open an issue for this.

Sadly I can’t change it dynamically. I’ve investigated multiple times and would love to do it but its an Apple limitation.

There is no way for non-blessed third party apps to use the nice input fields in the Shortcuts app. The clipboard is currently accepted best practice (see PCalc and Jayson for two examples). I’ve spoken to Federico Viticci (of MacStories fame) and Matthew Cassinelli (of Tim Cook fame), both amazing Shortcuts wizards, who agree with me that clipboard is the only way. I even went so far as to ping a friend on the Shortcuts team at Apple who told me the same.

I hope this will be fixed in iOS 13. I also don’t ever expect that Apple will approve me to use the input fields, as Home Assistant is directly competitive with HomeKit.

Glad to hear location is improved!

Known issue that I’m looking into tonight.

Are your themes defined on the backend and selected at the system, not user level?

They are defined in a package, themes.yaml ( packages: !include_dir_named packages )

Yep, my themes are the same.

But when I pick a theme, I do it via the letter at the top in the side menu. I guess I should define these in my ui-lovelace.yaml file?

Doing it that way won’t work for the iOS app. The only way that themes work with the iOS app is if you set them globally via the frontend.set_theme service.

This will not work:

My themes all get listed under there and I can switch to them in the app… But I use this:

  - alias: 'System - Change Current Theme'
    initial_state: 'true'
    hide_entity: true
      - platform: state
        entity_id: input_select.theme_switcher
      - service: frontend.set_theme
          name: "{{states('input_select.theme_switcher')}}"

That’s in the themes.yaml file

      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: entities
            title: Theme Switcher
            show_header_toggle: false
              - input_select.theme_switcher
          - type: entity-button
            entity: input_select.theme_switcher
            icon: mdi:palette
            name: Theme
              action: call-service
              service: input_select.select_next
                entity_id: input_select.theme_switcher

Sure thing; what’s your preferred method. Via GitHub or feedback through Testflight?

GitHub please!

This is the log from iOS (

2019-03-28 07:25:45.473 [Info] [com.apple.siri.extension] [ClientEventStore.swift:23] ClientEventStore > ClientEvent {
	date = 2019-03-28 06:25:45 +0000;
	text = [HASS URL]/api/services/vacuum/xiaomi_clean_zone;
	typeString = networkRequest;
	jsonData = <(null) — 0 total bytes>;
2019-03-28 07:25:45.810 [Error] [main] [String+HA.swift:19] dictionary() > Error serializing JSON string to dict: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.}
    2019-03-28 07:25:45.810 [Error] [main] [HAAPI.swift:434] callService(domain:service:serviceData:shouldLog:) > Error on CallService() request: responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 400))

2019-03-28 07:25:45.811 [Error] [main] [CallService.swift:110] handle(intent:completion:) > Error when calling service in shortcut Error Domain=io.robbie.HomeAssistant.beta.Intents Code=400 "(null)"

As I mentioned I use other services for the vacuum cleaner and they work correctly, for example. set_speed, locate, clean etc. I’m sure this is an application error when generating a json.

What do your Home Assistant logs say, not your iOS logs?

Absolutely nothing, no logs about this event

So I have removed the old app and gone over to this app (as it was hard to keep track of which entity belonged to which). The app is great, I only noticed one thing which I hope will be fixed. Notifications seem to be coming in very slow, sometimes it takes 2 seconds to show up but sometimes over 10 seconds whereas the old app basically showed it instantly.

E.g. When the front door opens, I get notified of it. Usually when I open the door it will fire immediately and show up on my iphone. However with this app it takes a long time to come through. Obviously I do not know if it is the app or if it are Apple servers or whatsoever. I just thought to give out some feedback.

Are you using attachments in these notifications?