2.0 Release Update

why do people need to use google., just use the search function of the forum
the 3rd item when searching for ios, 0.100 is an item warning about it.

As the companion app 2.0 is still beta. that’s probably why its not there


Google is life now whether you like or not LOL! when you don’t know something you google it. I also understand this is a beta app but when the beta app works better than the non beta one kind of wanted a heads up regardless.

Thanks David this seems to be working for me so far on Hassbian.

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I just want to say that your little trick did work for me and thank you very much.

Thanks I will try this tonight!! Seems pretty straightforward.

Works great. Thanks a lot

Hi @DavidFW1960

I have Homeassistant in a docker (Not hass.io) when i use portatiner console it opens the const.py and i can see the whole file but it does not allow me to edit it.

I also tried to use ssh and the same thing.

Any Help Please.

EDIT: I think i sorted it just used Google to find the Vim Editor Commands

i and Enter Insert mode
Esc + :w Save changes

Thanks iPhone ios13 Hass Companion 2.0.0 (63) App working with HA 0.100.2.

Thanks Again.

Awesome fix while people wait for a app update. Thanks for sharing!

This workaround works for me as well.

@Robbie, don’t even think about making the app paid. Every “sucker” that paid a few $$ for your app will give you hell when things don’t work as they expect it to.

Open source and free software should remain open source and free. I do think you should not be the only one working on the app. HA is depending on the iOS and Android apps to work, and that should not be relying on just one dev.


Press the ins key will allow you to edit
ESC :wq will save and quit
I just hate vi!


Thanks for the workaround. Using Docker and it works great.

Just to add to the topic (after reading the last 50+ comments):

  • Yes, the companion app is a beta version. So, issues are to be expected.
  • A lot of people are using it, it is great. A lot better than the official stable version. So, I would have expected something mentioned in the release notes.
  • I understand that it wasn’t an expected issue and that the fix was expected to be released before / around / with the release of 0.100.0, it wasn’t though.
  • Everyone had good intentions.
  • Most importantly: even though it is beta software, like I said before… a lot of people use it. Would be nice to at least mention it somewhere in the release notes / changelog (even now, maybe even with the workaround mentioned, now that everyone knows it is crashing because the fix hasn’t been released yet). I go through them every release before updating. I don’t go through each topic in the forum before doing that, that would be crazy. We have one source of truth and that’s the release notes.


  • Where do you get all of this information? Discord / Slack or something?
  • Also… WHAT!? VI (Vim) is awesome! :D. Being serious here, I’ve been a Vim user for years now (because of work). Love it, but I understand people when they say this. It is hard at first. Who am I kidding… it is hard even years later :D.
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Most everything is from this thread/discord (that was the source of the fix) There is an official Home Assistant Discord server and a #ios thread there. Amazing what you pick up there.

No VI sucks and is completely unintuitive in the days of easy editors like nano. VI is a friggin nightmare for most people who unlike you have not used it for years. I totally get some people love it but… yeah… unintuitive unfriendly impossible to work out the totally illogical commands without googling for a guide. Nano FTW!

Violently agree.

Nevertheless, it worked for me. Thanks for the tip.

didn’t last… it worked for a little bit and then its back to crashing unfortunately.

Try this:

David has written a way to change the version number of HA so the app is compliant again.

Keep in mind this is not a preferred thing but if you really can’t downgrade or you want to stay on 0.100.x for some reason. This should work.

+1 on Nano. Just cannot get my head around vi. I avoid using it whenever I can and as you say, you need a web browser with google open to work out how to move around :slight_smile:

If you are using docker and don’t like vi just copy the file out - edit it - copy it back in.

docker cp home-assistant:/path/to/docker/ file.py /path/to/local/file.py

Edit it, then reverse the command

docker cp /path/to/local/file.py home-assistant:/path/to/docker/file.py

Ok so now I have tried this, it seems to be working. Though system health shows me 99.4 instead of 100.2 (ofc I have cleared the cache). It did show 100.2 before I did your change.

For what it’s worth, it seems to be working fine, the configuration options that were added in 0.100.x (like nzbget) are working fine as well. The app still works with your fix!

Thank you @DavidFW1960. (It’s funny because you are one of the first persons I ever spoke to on this forum about a year ago or so, now at this moment you are the last :joy::rofl:)

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There is an official hassio addon called ‘Check Home Assistant configuration’ which you can install and every time you want to upgrade you start the addon, wait a few minutes and refresh the logs at the bottom. It installs the latest version and checks your config against it.

There is also GitHub - custom-components/breaking_changes: Component to show potential breaking_changes in the current published version based on your loaded components which you can install through HACS that shows breaking changes that affect your config. I have not used this one myself.

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FWIW, I would gladly pay in order to fund a timely development. I have zero issues in paying for the software I find useful/helpful. Or have a “free” version that doesn’t do location tracking and a paid one that does… I don’t really care - but I would GLADLY pay to have dedicated dev.