2.0 Release Update

Is there any estimated timeframe when we can expect an update for the beta app?
Or is there anyway to help

Works like a charm…

IMO vi ROCKS! :stuck_out_tongue:
Never got to grips with nano etc.
I have muscle memory with vi to insert lines, yank, change word, go to end of line etc

@moderators can this thread be frozen since the comments are now completely off topic? This went from the mobile client to a workaround to VI love/hate.


I have a virtenv install and cannot for the life of me find the const.py file.

I have used ‘find’ in the Linux command line but it doesn’t seem to exist - even in the areas indicated in has.io and hassbian. Anyone know where to look?

That would not work for the iOS beta app issue though. My system passed with no issues. In fact, my app worked until I upgraded to .100.2.

you should find it in /srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/const.py

and you can just use

nano /srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/const.py

I hate Vi and never use it unless really have to, but nano works great and easy to use.

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this is great, thanks for highlighting.

This would be a great place to start for the dev team to leverage something officially integrated.

Thanks! I was missing the homeassistant folder from my path - i looked everywhere I thought :man_facepalming:


I second the motion; this got waaaaay of track.

So lock this thread and have 5 others start in it’s place? Good idea.

The workaround is posted by @DavidFW1960 due to so may people wanting to use the app, and the fact there is issue with using it with 0.100.x

A few comments about Vi doesn’t mean the thread should be locked, 95% of the discussions are relevant to the OP and operation and use of the app.


half a dozen posts out of 232? Here’s an idea… instead of trying to stop discussion, just ignore it.


trying to bring this back on-track :slight_smile:
My iPhone got hit right after upgrading to 0.100.x and I uninstalled the mobile app because of the constant error messages.
My wife’s iPhone, however, got the error messages (which she ignored) and I just realized that while the app itself is not functioning, she continues to do get proper notifications (for all the automations etc. I’ve setup).
Is it the same for everybody?

Yeah… it was just the annoying errors - tracking, notifications etc all worked fine.

how do you edit const.py if your running Hassio image on a PI, if I putte I only get the Hassio CLI,
sorry if this is a stupid questuion :slight_smile:

It is not stupid at all - that is why we have this forum. I think this is the answer, but I don’t use Hass.io

Install Portainer and run a console in the homeassistant container (don’t use the docker exec in that case, just the vi command)

Im using Hass.io but when i type in the “docker exec -t -i home assistant /bin/bash” in ssh console hassio only says -bash: docker: command not found and if i skip the first line, i only get a blank file…

can anyone help with this?


You need to open a console in the home assistant container (use Portainer) not use the ssh addon. The docker commands clearly isn’t available in the ssh container (which is where you get to if you use the ssh addon). Use Portainer addon. (You will need to configure it to show the home assistant containers)

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