2.0 Release Update

I’m sure this has been covered so I apologise in advance!

Have installed 2.0 beta, loving it so far and will certainly donate :slight_smile: I have been using on iPhone XS and can’t change the colour of the top status bar to match my background colour, it stays light gray. Is there a specific theme variable I need to change to change this, or can it not be changed at all? Also using CCH which seems to change fine with the background change.

I have the mobile_app_xxxx in Ha, I dont have it on my mobile phone.

You will need to change primary color for the status bar to change color. I will warn you though, primary color is used in a lot of elements!

Using a black status bar will make your theming a lot harder for ios!! Though it is possible as you can see in the screenshots below.

Thanks Jim, I just tried changing the primary-color variable and it didn’t seem to change the status bar at all even after resetting the frontend themes and cache… strange! It just says a light gray no matter which I change.

Ok, uhm, so two things. It will only work if you set the backend theme (so only with a service call). Obviously you will have to call the correct theme for that. Themes selected through the profile (sidebar, profile, themes) will not change the status bar.

Second, you can not use a tranparency. Using any kind of transparency and it will not render anything but a white/grayish bar.

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Anyone got v68 issues but v63 works fine? App shows HA API Manager error…

Ah cool, that could be the issue! Will give it a try tonight :slight_smile:

Delete integration from HA, remove app. Install build 68 and do onboarding process. You (as myself and many others) are not able to update from 63. A reinstall is the only fix, luckily if done right nothing should break.

So remove the integration from HA,
restart afterwards
Remove app and download build 68
Start onboarding process
When done keep app open and screen on and restart HA again so that the mobile app integration can be used (do not close the app before the restart has completed or you might have non working notifications).

Good luck!

I’ve had this issue for a little while where only the first phone onboarded (integrations) will get notifications, but subsequent phones won’t. Bit of a weird one but also keen for a solution.

Make sure they have a different name in the app config. I have multiple devices no problem.

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Thanks Dave. Do you mean the user name? We’re using different usernames, my wife’s account has limited access (normal user).

Also, i’m using the notify.notify service in my notifications, which only sends to my phone and not my wifes. If i use the mobile_app notify service manually on each phone, it works.

The phone ‘name’ is part of the notify name. They should be unique.
I am on my way to bed now but I can give more info tomorrow.

Yes, I do get a notify.xxx_iphone entity for each phone. But I’m using the notify.notify in my automations, which from my understanding, is supposed to send notifications to all devices, no? Or is the grouped devices still the preferred approach for this?

Thanks in advance.

Well notify.notify is usually a group you have made to notify (correct me if I am wrong) this means that you should change the entities within the group to use mobile_app instead.

Edit: the actual entities in this example might be wrong. I haven’t used this in a long time as I use service templates to send messages instead.

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this is exactly whats happening to me. I have 3 iphones and it now works only on one. Used to work on two. I have 3 mobile_app_1 and 2 and 3. These three integrations are present in HA. Its just that the program doesn’t appear under the notifications settings on the iphone.

Thanks. I’ve reverted to the grouped configuration (I had already had that setup previously). I’m pretty sure the notify.notify service is supposed to be a type of broadcast service, so should work.

Jim is right. I can’t get notify.notify to work either and I setup a group.

I’ve raised an issue here: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-iOS/issues/460

Feel free to chime in with your findings.

I don’t believe there is any problem. Robbie told me months ago to setup a group and I just use that.

Yeah I’m happy to use groups too, I just figure since it’s supposed to be a native service call then it should work. Otherwise, I’ll be sticking to groups too from now on.