2.0 Release Update

I’m running 0.100.1. No issues with v1.5.1 app

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Not sure how or why, but without doing anything it works now…

Anyone else noticing a crash loop on 13.2 beta? The app seems to crash constantly and I have to acknowledge it 20-30 times

Same issue here.

I am starting to wonder why people ask the same question over and over again!

The 2.0 app is NOT compatible with Home Assistant 0.100.x (yet).

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So weird, but after reading your comment, fired up the app and it works great again…

NOT… It was the webapp that I had added to my homescreen… Silly me

But wanted to share that the app crashes when trying to do the initial setup at the Nabu Casa part…

It is not weird, the app is incompatible with HA 0.100.x what I have explained in just the post above yours.

It will not work until the app gets updated. Yes notifications will work and yes device tracking will work (unless you haven’t done onboarding before HA 0.100.x)

In all other cases everyone could (and most definitely should) stop trying to make the 2.0 app work with 0.100.x, it won’t work.


:pleading_face: Kinda scary it’s such a simple thing…

Was this documented somewhere?

No but it was mentioned a lot already in this thread. There is no documentation as the developer of the app hasn’t been active on the forums lately. However the developer is active on discord (as far as I know).

But for your convenience I will quote one of the answers to this.

Thanks! I’ve been through the thread but missed that.

No problem!

This x 100000!!! It’s very annoying and I’m just ignoring them now.

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I think the challenge is the current expectation vs how the 1st party beta companion app is portrayed (as it’s SO good, it has a lot of folks expecting it to be in sync with the release cycle - blessing and a curse)

When a new release is pushed out folks assume that hass.io, docker etc are updated, and then open the app assuming it’s on a similar validation process. This isn’t limited to the app, as many complain about known breaking changes without checking the thread in full. Whilst a LOT of people in this community are contributors and can code, inspect, validate etc. many are just consumers of the solution and are not in that mindset.

It appears the dependency on the beta app is pretty high (but the reading of threads is low lol)

Would there we a world where we host a single page with the main elements and their versions (and any known major impact) - ie a delay to docker in red. The iOS app challenge here? Possibly Nabu Casa connectivity issues could be documented as well? Drive behavior to direct traffic habitually to a single page when they have an issue to check that first? A self triage if you will, to reduce churn?

like this



The intention was for it to be in sync but the first fix didn’t work and Robbie has Xcode issues on his Mac and was rebuilding the O/S so it’s delayed. He was desperate to get the fix out before 0.100.0 but didn’t (and still hasn’t) made that deadline. A fix is on the way.


Yes, EXACTLY like that. Not entirely sure when this was created but searching for the usual suspects didn’t bring back this page.
“Known issues”

I’ve been using HA for some time and never seen this page, so I’m going out on a limb here and saying there are many others that have not.
How do you direct people to check this first?

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This came out 2 releases ago

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The issue/fix isn’t my point. It’s more about educating people, or directing folks to a single place that will ease mega (repeated) threads.

Dear HA users, have an issue?
Check out alerts page like above

(And hammer the message home over the next few releases?)

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