2021.10.0: Z-Wave S2 support, Tuya, secure ESPHome and 400 new icons

TP-Link Kasa Smart integration one of my bulbs showed as a device but entitys was unavailable removed from ha it but now itā€™s will not be discovered.

fyiā€¦ solution was to add:

      state_class: measurement

to the entities created by the statistics integration. Now I have them show up in dev tools Statistics, and in the statistics-graph cards :wink:

That alert for a specific device on a specific firmware, read the details in the alert (including the external links) to find out if it impacts you.

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Are you using the Container (Docker) installation type? If so, check whether you have something like this in the logs:

bluepy.btle.BTLEManagementError: Failed to execute management command 'le on' (code: 20, error: Permission Denied)

I had that during the beta, and it appeared to be because I was missing the --privileged option in my docker run command. Adding that allowed it to work.

I havenā€™t updated yet but I know Iā€™m going to have a similar problem.

My tuya thermostat shows the right temps etc in the smartlife app but if I check in the new API it is showing as 3C instead of 15C.

When I brought it in via the old API it used to double the temp so 15 was 30 so I was using tuya custom.

I have everything moved over to tasmota or tuya local but it doesnā€™t support climate yet.

Donā€™t get how it is wrong in the API but correct in the APP just seems daft.

updated in hoping to finally migrate to zwave-js with little configuration issues and manual changes required ā€¦ FAR FROM IT ā€¦ I stopped counting after 91 entities that could not be migrated ā€¦ I honestly hoped this would be easier/better ā€¦ restoring backup as I type this ā€¦

The same problem. Rolled back. It is the worst update everā€¦

Frankly it is a good release if you arenā€™t a tuya user. May I remind tuya users, and cloud users in general: you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

I know you may have been told youā€™d get local control, but donā€™t buy technology based on promises of future features.


FWIW, I am a Tuya user and have had no issues with this update. I was using Tuya V2. I removed v2, updated, added the new core integration and everything worked exactly as it did before.

I am thankful for everyoneā€™s work on HA, as always. On the other hand, it seems unbelievable to me that we are celebrating this Tuya integration as if it would be some sort of improvement.
Not all devices supported, having to renew the API subscription ever year, etc.

This goes against everything one wants from a smart home solution, eg. making your life easier, not harder. Decreasing chores and maintenance, not increasing them.


The solution is simple:

  1. have some patience, more Tuya devices will be added.
  2. support manufacturers that donā€™t require a cloud connection by purchasing their devices, e.g. Shelly WiFi devices or any Zigbee or Z-Wave devices.
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You are right.

My observation or suggestion is more along the lines of not allowing any manufacturer to come up with an integration like this one, for example, having to ā€œpurchaseā€ and renew an API, and forbid local control.

HA is becoming one of the de facto solutions for integrating these smart products together, and I am wondering what would happen if these types of integrations would not be celebrated/allowed in HA. Maybe they would be forced to come up with solutions making more sense? Would HA and the community have the political ammo to just say no to these? I believe the answer is yes.

Another good example for this is the official eWeLink integration, which, in my opinion, also went a little sideways and makes zero sense in itā€™s current form.

I see were now just started retagging github issues from integration:tuya to integration:tuya_v2

How are the poor Tuya users to know the V2 in hacs isnt the V2 in HA, Everyone thought they would be the same, they seem now to be referenced by the same name yet are different.

i also note not one job has been responded to by any Tuya Dev

Issues Ā· home-assistant/core (github.com)

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We are a very small percentage of the Tuya customer base. We dont have that much leverage. The fact that they are willing to work with the Home Assistant team is amazing.

The negativity here seems to mostly be stemming from frustration with the early stage of continued development and not comprehending the instructions.

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Well I havenā€™t seen anyone from Tuya or HA for that matter trying to help people comprehend the instructions.
For a officially built and supported integration by a vendor, the support from them, is well terrible.


Fair point.

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This is actually happening since 2021.10.0 already.

It was reported here and you can also find the issue reported at GitHub here.

ā€¦ and this got fixed in 2021.10.2:

Fix multiple upnp/ssdp issues (@StevenLooman - #57314) (upnp docs) (yeelight docs) (dlna_dmr docs) (ssdp docs)

So upgraded knowing my tuya thermostat was going mess up and it has, 15C is reported as 3C and 20C reported as 4C.

I can automate the temp so it isnā€™t the end of the world, then used a range node to a new entity so I can at least see what it is set to properly in lovelace.

Looking at the API there is a scale setting which I can see but canā€™t change so Iā€™m guessing the smartlife app must be able to use the scale setting so it looks correct in the APP.

Iā€™m pretty sure the new API isnā€™t pulling the current temp anymore either, just the target temp.

Other then the tuya bits upgrade went well as always.

Oh so your HA server is not even directly connected to the subnet? I guess nobody considered that case.

@hmoffatt Theyā€™re on a separate IOT vlan.