2021.11: Icon picker, device links and entity categories

You can open an issue here:

Be sure to provide the a link to the custom integration as there are 4 or 5 of them floating around that have all modified the code to work for very specific models.

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homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: The system cannot restart while a database upgrade is in progress.

stuck on this for last 1 hour ā€¦ Any idea how long this is going to take ?

Getting something similar on my setup

homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: The system cannot restart while a database upgrade is in progress.

It depends on the size of your database, if itā€™s large it can take a very long time.

If you are answering to my post

Mine is only 500KB but no problem occur except these messages about DB migration in log

Thanks. Unfortunate, but understood.

Yes, did you read the message:

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Ok, soā€¦ after continuing problems to start HA witch 2021.11 (on cellphones everythings go well, but there is problem on desktop and on tablet)ā€¦ All custom cards deleted and uninstalled, browser_mod uninstalledā€¦

and this is what F12 console is showing me:

hass-loading-screen.ts:11 Error loading page lovelace ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk 2420 failed. (missing:
at Object.u.f.j (styles.ts:365)
at styles.ts:365
at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
at Function.u.e (styles.ts:365)
at Object.lovelace [as load] (app-drawer-layout.js:189)
at HTMLElement.value (hass-loading-screen.ts:11)
at HTMLElement.performUpdate (styles.ts:365)
at HTMLElement.scheduleUpdate (styles.ts:365)
at HTMLElement._$EC (styles.ts:365)
at async HTMLElement.value (hass-loading-screen.ts:11)

Are you clearing your cache?

Hi. After a successful upgrade from core 2021.10.7 to 2021.11.0 I noticed the next day that about 4GB (2% of my 240GB SSD) disk space was eaten over night:

The first spike around nov 4, 17:45 is where I installed the new core, then disk usage started to increase until 12:00 the next day. Someone suggestions where they went?
Can it be related to the migration error to schema 22 (using MariaDB)?

Okā€¦ so simple :smiley: after clearing cache everything working perfectly, thank you :slight_smile:

ā€¦and againā€¦ sorry for neverending bothering youā€¦ my desktop lovelace works now, but after deleting all custom cards, browser_modā€¦ my tablet is still just loading lovelace and I cant find way how to check any logs to understand, why it is not able to start lovelaceā€¦ returning to 2021.10 again :sleepy:

You have said nothing about what your tablet, other than a huawei. Nothing about os version, browser.

YouĀ“re rightā€¦ that tablet is old junk, but untill this update it was working without any issue! It is Huawei Mediapad T1 - o.s. Android 4.4.4 (upgrade not possible) - browser Chrome 81.0.4044.etc (highest version with this old Android) - but I have tried various browsers, it was doing the sameā€¦

Besides all the new features and integrations no doubt that the stability of HA has been improving with the latest releases. Thank you very much to all the folks that contribute to this outstanding platform, you are awesome.

Probably does not have a new enough webview for the updated frontend.

I believe Android 5.0 was the release where WebView was separated from the main OS so it can be updated on the fly. This is also one of the reasons why the android apps minimum supported version is 5.0.

do you have any idea than, why HA was running on my old tablet just until 2021.10 and from 2021.11 it is not running any more? :slight_smile: ā€¦ I just want to understand and hear some words likeā€¦ yes, we made a change that causes this issue beacause ofā€¦ for example webviewā€¦ :slight_smile: ā€¦ I will probably go and buy a new device for my family dashboard, I would just be glad to understand this changeā€¦ but thanks a lot for your reply!! :slight_smile:

Try chrome remote debugging and look at the console errors, maybe it will give a clue? Remote debug Android devices - Chrome Developers

I am not sure what change would have caused this I was only speaking to the issues of not having an up to date webview.

I understand, dont feel under pressure from me, pleaseā€¦ i am very grateful for your help :slight_smile: