2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

Ahh did not catch that at all - was flying through it trying to get the shortcuts back - to bad I even need to do this at all. Thanks again.

Great release. Upgraded without any trouble

Not sure if this is the right place to report/mention this but it looks like back on docker, the stable tag that usually points to the latest release has not been updated for the homeassistant/raspberrypi4-homeassistant container image

So homeassistant/raspberrypi4-homeassistant:stable still points to the final November release



I do find the changes to the frontend a bit strange at the moment.
Looking for the ‘restart server’ I thought it to be at ‘reboot system’ but not so, made that mistake a few times now so most likely will reset the button on the sidebar. Besides that I still hate the fact they didn’t use a responsive design so the main config table shows up as two columns instead of 60% wasted blank space in a singel column.

A not mentioned change to HUE is the renaming of the lightlevel attribute to light_level, which left me in the dark this evening. Took some time to figure that one out. The SlimmeLezer for some reason stopped working as well and needed a power off/on to get it back.
Not a fan of the tons of the HUE scene sensors but lets see what I can do with them.

Most user have no idea what’s up for consideration, Github isn’t user friendly for the average joe. The forums should be where average users can come and voice their view as well as ask for help or learn.

Lovely, more change for the sake of change.


you will find a lot dont even use the forums, but FB groups, reddit or discord. so no one fit solution.

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Maybe there is a plan. Buggered if I know what it is, and it is hard to guess with the changes in this release, but I have found that generally things improve over time, despite seeming to go backwards at times.

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I thought the AREAS cards were gonna be useful but at the moment far from it unfortunately. I hope they will get some much needed attention for the next release.

  • lights should open popup to show which lights and not just shut down all of them
  • same for power switches
  • the movement icon should be there all the time to indicate no movement for an area
  • lots of entities are not listed on the card although put in the area; humidity, lux
  • expect a least a shortcut to the ‘device’ page for an item listed in this area

Agreed - i usually hit up the community, reddit and discord myself.

Couldn’t agree more - been with HA a LONG time. Just never understood changes like this - but who was complaining about the old UI? Never saw a single complaint. Like you said maybe there is some path forward we’re not aware but based on the discussions I just read through on github, it was just the new guys preference.


Same here, have a transition time of 300 seconds to turn of the hue lights and they go out in a few seconds (probably 3).

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Just updated and two integrations problems:
Nest (The device is disabled by Config entry.) and my BMW integration (The device is disabled by Config entry.).
Should I delete and reinstall the integrations?

I had an issue with my Nest Thermostat which cleared after another restart.

I love the new area card. But is there any way to add switches as individual switches and not global switch? I have multiple light switches in each room and only see one on the area card. So it switches all at once. Same for power sockets. Not really that usefull to automatically add the global switch/socket/light etc.

Why not populate them each and skip the global one?

Well GitHub is where the discussions occur. It’s been that way for years. If you don’t want to take the time in participating in the conversation, then don’t. But don’t expect to make changes anywhere outside GitHub/feature requests.

It has been reported and fixed, should be in .1 release.

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Is anyone else having an issue with template entities with a device_class of timestamp showing as unknown? I have a ton of these for converting input_datetime helpers into read-only sensors for display in Lovelace and they all showing Unknown since updating to 2021.12:


# Template Sensors
  - sensor:
  # Front Door Lock sensors
      # Front Door Lock Last Activity sensor
      - name: Front Door Lock Last Activity
        device_class: timestamp
        icon: mdi:history
        state: "{{ states('input_datetime.front_door_lock_last_activity') }}"

I’m using shelly integration and my shelly switch is unreachable. it worked fine before the update and it also works fine directly on shelly app.

Which Shelly integration? The built in (core) one or shelly4hass?

The built in (core)

I had this too, immediately after upgrading on two of my five Shelly devices. I’m using the core integration. When I work up this morning, they were all working perfectly again (no changes from me).