2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

Ya, this new setup seems way less organized and clean.

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When I first upgrades, I was in the camp of why drop the Supervisor menu into Configuration, same reason as everyone else more mouse clicks are bad. However, now I have been using it a couple of days it’s growing on me and the visual design of this new page I like, and think is an improvement.

For me, this along with the new visuals on Areas is a step in the right direction.

To prevent spam adding this comment here, I took the plunge and migrated my 22 Shelly devices from ShellyHass over to the official Shelly integration, when I say migrate, I mean manually set up again. Took about an hour, that includes my automations, not the end of the world and gave me an opportunity to better name everything. While ShellyHass was great for me, it looks like the official integration has now caught up on functionality and well worth considering,


Having the same issue. Flash no longer works with Hue.

Hello everyone,
Thank you to all developers for the hard job!
After added the shortcuts as explain above in menu, I appreciate the new UI. And the alert of new release is a great improvement.


Before the update I could switch in Lovelace a group direct on, now a click on the switch navigate to details and then I can switch the group with one device on! Any suggestions what I could do that I can switch the group direct on, without Detail Site?

Switches still work as they did before the update.

Are you perhaps using the custom card multiple-entity-row?

Id say a HA script behaves just like a generic button entity. Maybe it fits your needs too.


After the update I get an error with the Onvif integration and my Wansview cam. The following message appears after a few seconds (up to 30)


Log says:
2021-12-13 07:43:17 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream] Error from stream worker: Stream ended; no additional packets

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Regarding the Alexa Media Player issue… …Restarting from the UI didn’t work for me either (Cause of the error above) but you can ssh (ex: if you have SSH& Terminal Addon installed) and run Hassio ha restart and it will work

Same issue. No flashing, no other effects, and transition times don’t work for color or brightness.

Edit: Transitions seem to have been fixed with 2021.12.1. Flashing and effects are still borked, but looks like it’s been reported.

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No I am using the default Lovelace cards!

I will check the other thread after work.

I have a lot of devices connected to deconz which stopped working like all the Xiaomi Zigbee Sensors and devices.

Additionally i only see hue (through deconz/conbee2) light groups, but not the individual lights like before.

Is this a bug?


That’s not a switch. That’s a group.

Yes, it’s true, but it’s the consequence only. It all starts from the fact that API/framework changes very often. Likely custom components get more hits since they share the framework with core integrations. 3rd party devs are aware about this so it’s their responsibility. But still it doesn’t look nice (even for someone who doesn’t experience problems) if so many things fail every month. Also it might be discouraging for mentioned 3rd party developers. Some stability in this regard would help us all.


Exactly the same here with Hikvision and Dahua cams intergrated with HA through Onvif.

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This is true not only for docker hub, but also for the official ghcr package:
ghcr.io/home-assistant/raspberrypi4-homeassistant:stable still points to 2021.11.5: Package raspberrypi4-homeassistant · GitHub

https://version.home-assistant.io/stable.json lists 2021.12.1 as stable, so I think this is a bug.

There is a thread that discussed this and offers a workaround: 2021.12.0 container not being pulled

You’re right. I don’t see any documentation yet either.

Yes, you could have :wink: Or, preferably, the developer for ShellyForHASS. has he abandoned that addon? That is quite common.

I have opened an issue for this:

The API rarely for home assistant rarely changes. I have custom integrations I built for myself that only use the Home assistant API (No dependencies) and I haven’t had to update them in 4 years. Failures come from dependency updates or API miss use. Typically custom integrations are custom because they do not conform with coding standards set by the ADRs in home assistant. E.g. It’s a web scrape, password stored in plane text, dev doesn’t want to write test cases, the api used to talk to the devices are unofficial and changes frequently, etc.

If home assistant changes the API, it’s announced and there are deprecation warnings that last 3 to 6 months before the deprecation occurs.

95% of the time, if a custom integration doesn’t work, a dependency was updated and the custom integration does not work with the newly updated dependency. And just for clarification, dependencies are outside of Home Assistant.