2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

Yup, that is the issue. It seems that UniFi Protect no longer supports ‘rtsp’ Rats!

Not exactly. They don’t default to rtsp but as they stated in the docs, you can access the rtsp stream by simply taking the rtsps one they provide and changing the “rtsps” to “rtsp” and the port to “7447”.

All my protect cameras work with the latest Webrtc addon.

My first attempt for Shelly integration was the core integration. Unfortunatelly, the core integration has (had?) a responsivenes issue ( Native Shelly integration is very slow to recognise state change - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)) so I moved to the Shelly for HASS intergation, which did a very good job.
Does anyone know if the lagging issues has been fixed?

Were you using multicast or unicast?

I’m using unicast and there is no noticeable delay at all.

@Eoin, do you happen to know if the lagging issue has been fixed?

I wanted to go into a rage when I found out that customize.yaml UI was removed. However after careful thought and consideration I do see the point the devs are making regarding the feature. That said I still would like the option to bring it back. Maybe hide it in developer tools or put a warning before you are able to access it. Just flat out removing such a convenient feature is concerning.

As someone who don’t know much about programming or coding, yaml was and still is something I am not comfortable with. It is one thing if there is a way to see all the parameters you can set in regards to an entity and another to go in blind with a list of device classes spread over 5 webpages. My main concern with removing it is people who are starting out will have a lot harder time with some devices if the convenient ui is not there. I personally probably understand enough about HA to edit customize.yaml with ease now, however I don’t think it would be as easy for new people with no knowledge of this platform.

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After upgrading to 2021.12.2 Core my Hue integration starts failing after a couple of commands. Eventho the light is off, HA seems to think it’s on (or vice versa). When you check the status of the lamp in the Hue or google Home app, it is correct and switching it on and/or off works there but not in HA anymore. I need to reload the Hue integration in HA and it works again, for like 5-10 commands and the whole thing starts again.

I’ve seen other people reply to it as well in this section but I’d figure to post the error log on core with it as well.

2021-12-16 12:56:33 WARNING (MainThread) [aiohue.v2[].events] Unable to parse Event message: data: [{"creationtime":"2021-12-16T11:56:33Z","data":[{"id":"e01eea67-92a2-4ec0-b3b2-5948b30ff942","status":"unpaired","type":"homekit"}],"id":"d16a2f9e-ac38-48d0-bc89-3e4fbe75c6f7","type":"update"}]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohue/v2/controllers/events.py", line 195, in __parse_message
    clip_event = CLIPEvent.from_dict(event)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohue/v2/models/clip.py", line 117, in from_dict
    data=[parse_clip_resource(x) for x in dict_in["data"]],
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohue/v2/models/clip.py", line 117, in <listcomp>
    data=[parse_clip_resource(x) for x in dict_in["data"]],
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohue/v2/models/clip.py", line 94, in parse_clip_resource
    return dataclass_from_dict(resource_cls, obj_in, strict=False)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohue/util.py", line 193, in dataclass_from_dict
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohue/util.py", line 194, in <dictcomp>
    field.name: _get_val(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiohue/util.py", line 149, in _get_val
    return [
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable


I’ve missed a comment which I’ll quote underneath. Apparently the Hue issues will be fixed in the upcoming v3. Cheers!

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Yaml is not programming. It’s writing a recipe. Just like writing a recipe there are a few simple rules, learn them and you’re sorted. http://thomasloven.com/blog/2018/08/YAML-For-Nonprogrammers/

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From all “coding”, I came across in 30 years work with computers, yaml is the easiest… :smiley:

You are missing the point. You have to know the valid parameters. For example. device_class: battery you have to figure out how to write

  device_class: battery
  icon: mdi:battery

vs. in the UI all you have to do is click on device class. Before you go on saying visual studio code, not everyone has a device that works well with that.
@BebeMischa Thats like saying in my 30 years of drafting microsoft word is the easiest… Starting out even magic plan is hard to use…

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Sure, you have to start with MS Paint :stuck_out_tongue:

What I never understood is why HA recognizes all the different customizations but does not let me edit the code via UI.
After all, HA knows in which file(s) the code is located and could simply display the code. Then let me edit it.

So I understand why customization is no longer needed in the UI, but why was it never really fully functional to begin with?

Same for automations. Why is it not allowed to edit the code via UI? No need for visual editor, but the bare code via code editor? Why not?

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yea sorry i meant word. I didn;t mean autocad. that just came out of no where

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The list of ingredients is available.

e.g. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/binary_sensor/#device-class

Removing the customize page was a minor annoyance at first. As a beginner, I just followed examples. Many of them pointed me to customize.yaml. I figured that was the way to do things, so I just kept using it. But it was hard to remember where all the different settings for an entity (name, id, icon, unit of measure, etc.) were hidden.

I’ve already removed about 90% of my customize.yaml entries, and it feels good. One less place to go looking when I want to change something! I’ll have them all gone soon.

I’m getting used to the new configuration menu, too. Once I knew it was part of a larger plan, not just a random change, I felt better about it.

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I know where they are at… That’s why I said I probably won’t have any trouble with it. I am saying the UI is great for starter tinkerers to play around with. You get a preview of the icon you pick. Dealing with yaml was a pain until you learn the formatting. Is that the HA you want first time users to experience? If so I got nothing else to say.

@CaptTom What is this “larger plan”?

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May be irrelevant for some cases, but just wan’t to say, I’m running a whole house installation, 30 lights, 10 multisensors, 25 switches, automated hot tub, automated heating, 6 media players and who knows, what more. 1226 entities total.

My customize.yaml… …is non existant :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Nice!, but certain things like power monitoring doesn’t work without it. Especially if you cheaped out on the switches.

Yup, tried and I get,


The release notes are correct. See the Warning under the Vehicle Finder section here:

It appears that sending your (phone, or in this case Home Assistant’s) location to BMW ConnectedDrive is now a requirement in order to return the vehicles location, following the recent changes that BMW made to the API that broke the integration a couple of months ago (now fixed in this release).