2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

Raise an issue.

thanks raised issue: script / automation repeat with count 0 fails · Issue #63977 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Yes. Which is why I also said:

Tom means that most likely it will be part of the next major update.

Yet again, another release that fails to update.

You have 2021.12.8 installed. Click update to update to version 2021.12.9

This doesn’t give us much info to help… how about checking your logs. It seems others haven’t had issues updating (I haven’t tried yet).

5 posts were split to a new topic: Documentation issues

I like the button entity and many other new features. I cannot upgrade to use these though as an Integration I use has been broken for the last 6 months.
Can you please have a look at the NASA ISS integration. I raised a problem ticket → BROKEN - Binary sensor for ISS not returning any information -> was issue #60647 · Issue #63976 · home-assistant/core · GitHub


I had the same issue last year. I submitted a feature request to allow updating the HA core separately from the built-in integrations:

It didn’t get much traction. If you agree this would be helpful, feel free to up-vote the FR.

The ISS integration is working fine for me.

Are you sure you have it configured correctly?

There isn’t anything to configure really - I’ve not changed the config since it works fine in v 2021.6.6 - after that it doesn’t on all versions. What version are you running?

Unfortunately, it seems that you have to live with that. I also know the problem. many things that have worked for a long time, no longer work after a new update. It is really totally annoying!

And the reactions to such a message, are here also always the same. :frowning:

What can be done if no information is given? It’s not normal for this to happen. Unfortunately, nothing can be done without information on the lights or the script configuration. Which was not posted in a separate support thread. Help us help you. We aren’t mind readers, these defeatist comments are your own doing.


Note that there’s an irritating bug introduced with Release 2021.12.10, regarding the ArgonOne Active Cooling AddOn. Something in this release causes the control of the ArgonOne fan to go berserk, and I think what’s happening is it’s cycling to 100% then down to 0% every 2-4 seconds. I’ve created a bug report on the ArgonOne Active Cooling GitHub, link here.

Still? That should be fixed by now, it took multiple attempts and avenues to do but it’s not happening anymore on my systems.

I’m pretty sure that an update solved those problems for me on all my devices! I’m also pretty sure the problems came with some 2021.12.x version

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History doesn’t work anymore after upgrading to 2021.12.10 … I’m using MariaDB, anyone can give me a feedback ?
Thank you

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Doesn’t work how? Error messages? Spinning indefinitely? It works on mine but I had to refresh the UI as it seemed to spin indefinitely (just a simple two day history shouldn’t do that).

I like your thought process, but as many have commented it’s not easy to achieve given all the development so far. It should have been designed in from the start, or early days. I’ve voted for it as it would be a good target to aim for given the sheer number of integrations. Must be unmanageable.!

My workaround is to use a second instance of HA running an earlier version that can receive ISS data, and pipe it to a later version via MQTT_statestream. In effect I’ve created an integration instance. Works nicely and not too difficult to change the entities concerned.

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(Talking about my FR to allow individual integrations to be back-leveled apart from the core HA…)

This is already done with add-ons. The idea is you’d have a list of core integrations, along with the list of add-on integrations.

I don’t see any of this would change the integrations themselves, or the architecture of HA. It would just be adding the core integrations to the list of add-ons, so they could be managed the same way.

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I run in the same issue as @giles-sr . Before 2021.12 it was possible to trigger events by pushing two buttons simultaneously. Now there is no action by listening to hue_events. I would also appreciate if someone can fix it and implement this feature in the latest version, respectively.