2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

I’m pretty sure that an update solved those problems for me on all my devices! I’m also pretty sure the problems came with some 2021.12.x version

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History doesn’t work anymore after upgrading to 2021.12.10 … I’m using MariaDB, anyone can give me a feedback ?
Thank you

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Doesn’t work how? Error messages? Spinning indefinitely? It works on mine but I had to refresh the UI as it seemed to spin indefinitely (just a simple two day history shouldn’t do that).

I like your thought process, but as many have commented it’s not easy to achieve given all the development so far. It should have been designed in from the start, or early days. I’ve voted for it as it would be a good target to aim for given the sheer number of integrations. Must be unmanageable.!

My workaround is to use a second instance of HA running an earlier version that can receive ISS data, and pipe it to a later version via MQTT_statestream. In effect I’ve created an integration instance. Works nicely and not too difficult to change the entities concerned.

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(Talking about my FR to allow individual integrations to be back-leveled apart from the core HA…)

This is already done with add-ons. The idea is you’d have a list of core integrations, along with the list of add-on integrations.

I don’t see any of this would change the integrations themselves, or the architecture of HA. It would just be adding the core integrations to the list of add-ons, so they could be managed the same way.

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I run in the same issue as @giles-sr . Before 2021.12 it was possible to trigger events by pushing two buttons simultaneously. Now there is no action by listening to hue_events. I would also appreciate if someone can fix it and implement this feature in the latest version, respectively.

Perhaps Philips’ changes hamper pressing two buttons. HA can’t change functionality that Philips removes (if this is what happened).

I don’t think that Philips changed something. I turned back temporarily to version 2021.10.x and then it worked again as expected.

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The whole api was changed for hue, check out the breaking changes.

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The context menus (at least on Apple devices) are cropped for month. UI gets partly unusable to configure. Example Philips Hue integration:

Is there any info when that will get fixed?

Check GitHub frontend repo and see if anyone even wrote that up

I raised an issue at the beginning of August.

And what has been said in it? Have you kept bumping it?

Alright, then you have all the information you need. You’ll know it’s fixed when it’s closed.

I have no information at all if the frontend guy will fix it or not. And this is far from satisfactory because they force an UI configuration but this is not possible if you can’t configure an integration in the UI.

It’s an issue, it’ll get fixed. As stated multiple times across multiple threads: Be patient or fix it yourself.

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Still working for me.

well, tbh Petro, this has been one of the most annoying Frontend issues for a long time, and being told to be patient is really not the correct attitude towards your end-users on a matter of this impact.

Fix it yourself is hardly an option either, because if the frontend dev’s cant, how could we mere mortals :wink:

there are more issues on this, eg: https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/issues/9416 which I have just kept alive.

Some extra effort, or at least a signal people are looking at it would be appreciated. Adding the iOS tag some weeks ago only means it has been recognized.
Id be glad to test, add logs, whatever the dev might need. Without feedback, we have to sit on our hands.

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With IOS you have no choice but to be patient because releases take so much due to Apples policies. I understand the frustration but we are all in the same boat on that.