2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

So now that there’s these new Area cards, it sure would be nice if an Area could be assigned to a generic rtsp camera entity that is configured through yaml.

Since this version it seems that either the property allow_unreachable: true has no longer an effect or at least does not what it should, therefor my OSRAM plugs are mostly unavailable within home assistant but can be controlled via hue app. Inside of hue app they are marked as unavailable.

@lweberru what makes you sure this is connected to the 2021.12 update? I have today still installed core-2021.11.1 and facing the same issue since a while. I checked, I’m running the latest Hue bridge software (see below), but I lost track of when I installed it. Might be connected to that as well.

Highly interested in tracking that down.

November 1, 2021
Software version 1948086000

  • Improved performance and reliability of the system

Hue Bridge | Philips Hue (philips-hue.com)

It was related to this version, its fixed within dev version now. So for me its worming again.

Same here, just updated and lost all my 20+ Z-Wave devices. After a few minutes, the network was rebuilt and all device names are gone, I need to redo everything. This is insane…

I had to update ZWave JS server, I have a manual setup, I wonder if I dropped some cache in ZWaveJSm server while upgrading it to v1.14. It seems unlikely, seems like Home Assistant fckd up.

I’m stuck on this also no idea how to create a button entity when i look in helpers i do not see it do we have to make it manually in YAML?

That has not been released yet. It is likely to be in 2021.2.

I’m confused by what you mean by 2021.2 given that in this release post for 2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards! - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io) it clearly says that but button entity is part of it.

Sorry I meant 2022.2, i.e the next major release.

It should (barring unforeseen circumstances) have a a generic button helper you can configure, as of the current release the button is only available in certain integrations like MQTT, ESPHome, etc…


Anyone have any idea when enphase envoy integration will be fixed?

Keep an eye on the github issue.


Am I the only one having trouble with the HA webgui not updating sensors and switches after this release? :confused:

I have to refresh the web page every now and then because entities keep freezing

update HA core to the latest version



I’m using Vimar Friends of Hue switches (four button version), connected to a Hue bridge.
In HA under automations (in the gui) I had the option to press/output multiple button presses at once i.e. when I push button 1 & 3 it opened an Ikea (Zigbee) blind.
Since 2021.12 in automations under the ‘device’ doesn’t show multiple button presses as an option, and my previously created automations are greyed out.

Example of previous yaml text/automation (I’ve taken out ID’s):

I know the Hue integration has changed under 2021.12 can this be resolved? Happy to be in contact with the developer to help resolve if needed.

Many thanks in advance.

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The bug #63015 (3party lights) still seems to be an issue. I still have it with my Gledopto MR16 bulbs using the Philips Hue as gateway.

My 3party bulbs both grouped and single entity, keeps reverting to blue, also after latest update (2021.12.8). So if it supposed to be fixed with newest release, it’s sadly still an issue.

See my attached video, showing the bug. Uploaded at GitHub, as I couldn’t upload video in this forum,


Is the support for “show as” the responsibility of the integration or is it all in core?
(As the maintainer of a custom component that implements covers, sensors, binary sensors and switches for instance, is there something I need to do to implement support for this?)

I don’t know, I haven’t looked into the changes. I would assume it’s done via config_flow in some way.

Thanks! Do you know of one specific integration that supports this so I can go and have a look at what was done?

Edit: never mind, I’ve found deconz does support :slight_smile: I’ll look in there!

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It also says: “Button entities can be provided by integrations”. So you can’t create them yourself yet, it needs to be part of an integration. This is also explained on the official Button docs:

The button entities cannot be implemented manually, but can be provided by other integrations.

Tom means that most likely it will be part of the next major update, where you can create own Button entities (like you can with input_boolean, input_select and a few others).


Since this release, my away script (that turns off various lights and switches) started to randomly not turn off a few of them. Was there a change in the way I should write them?

Some are turned off, some not, but not always the same…

The script was running smoothly for the more than one year.

I will try with groups, and post the details here

Logs are the place to start, and the automation trace.