2021.12: New configuration menu, the button entity, and gorgeous area cards!

@frenck FYI there is a breaking change for the statistics integration which seems to be missing from the list of breaking changes in the release notes created by this PR:

Can you add that to the list? I was really confused why my templates failing because the max_age and max_value attributes were always coming back as None after update.


I would say this item in the Release Notes is likely to point you in the right directionā€¦

You can always submit a PR to correct the release notes. Sometimes things get missed like when the breaking change checkbox wasnā€™t checked when the PR gets created.

Same issue for me, in the former release we did have the flash option, currently not available anymore.

Where did ā€œCustomize Entitiesā€ move to? I canā€™t seem to find it anywhere.

Anyone else having issues with Hue zones and rooms? After upgrading to 2021.12, I have re-enabled the zone entities. But I experience the following behaviour:

  • When turning on the lights that are grouped as a room or zone in the Hue app (i.e. showing as one entity in HA), sometimes there is a small delay between them turning on: one turns on slightly later than the other, instead of simultaniously.
  • Sometimes, not all lights in the zone are turned on, only some of them
  • Sometimes, the brightness of the light is not properly set

I did not experience these issues before upgrading to 2021.12. Issue seems to be still present in 2021.12.1.

Signify (Philips) eliminated effects from its new API. Thatā€™s why they no longer exist in the new Philips Hue integration (which employs the new API).

FWIW, thereā€™s an effect that makes a light ā€œbreatheā€ (what you see when the Hue app identifies a light for configuration) and the developer intends to use that for a long flash (thereā€™s nothing natively available to support a short flash).

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I guess if he implements it as an effect you could apply it and then switch it back to no effect quickly so it flashes fewer times. Better than trying to script the flash effect and return original state!

Please read the release notes. Or this Thread. Or both.


I have different symptoms (still no values after 20 reboots) and also opened an issue tracker meanwhile:

Can someone tell me where to find release note concerning the following:
device_state_attributes for custom components
since this last update I get the following in my log:
Entity light.neviweb_light_bureau (<class 'custom_components.neviweb.light.NeviwebLight'>) implements device_state_attributes. Please report it to the custom component author.
As Iā€™m the author can someone tell me where I can get information about the change I need to do ?
Thank you

I have the same issue when you toggle a group switch instead of toggling the group the info box shows up with group detail

Doh! Mist it the first time. Thanks for taking the time to redirect.

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Relates back to 2021.4 I believe. 2021.4: For our advanced users ā¤ļø - Home Assistant

This pull specifically (according to the release notes): Replace Entity.device_state_attributes with Entity.extra_state_attributes by emontnemery Ā· Pull Request #47304 Ā· home-assistant/core Ā· GitHub

can you show me what you mean ā€œin the integrationā€?

input booleans no longer work as switches in Alexa. They are now showing up as other.

@uvjim ,thank you very much. Now I can update my custom components

Thank you, that did it. :+1:


Thatā€™s a result of the failure. Did you write up an issue on github with the error from your logs?