2021.2: Z-Wave... JS!


I hoped we would have some enhancement on the Nuki integration but unfortunately no.
Anyway, nice to see all these changes on this new release!

Great work. Thanks for the updates. Really looking forward to zwave improvements - wilk get to it likely next version once it becomes more mature, since my home heavily relies on z-wave.

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Those are the new design, he’s refering to the older version of those. I believe the model number is 12722 and 12724.

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Mine are dimmer bulbs, not dimmer switches. They are GE Enbrighten Z-wave Plus. I couldn’t find a link to them.

If they are the zwave plus bulbs, they don’t need polling

I think you’re referring to the refresh rate? Which is not an issue in Zwave_JS

14 posts were split to a new topic: How do I switch to Zwave JS?

A post was merged into an existing topic: How do I switch to Zwave JS?

I’m so excited to see all these great changes! The new ZWaveJS is a fantastic change in the right direction, although I’ll wait until there is a migration “wizard” to save me the pain of re-creating my Z-Wave network if possible (and if not, not, I’ll cross that bridge when it is made available).

Thanks to all the fantastic folks at HA, the moderators of the forums, the developers of all the things that make HA great.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: How do I switch to Zwave JS?

Release Party started:

for those who always struggle to find it :slight_smile:

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Badges are gone. Fan-bloody-tastic.


Thanks a million for all the great work on z-wave!
In my supervisor dashboard the update does not show up.
Using SSH and the command “ha core update” doesn’t givde me this new release either.
Should I just be patient? I saw Frenck wrote there were some issues but also that these seem solved now.

Read the thread, this post sticks out 2021.2: Z-Wave... JS! - #10 by frenck

OK thanks, I read that, but must have misunderstood what it means (I thought it meant the problem was solved, but it probably means that some steps are still necessary)

So the update fine using JS?

Damn, that was quick!
I thought this whole idea was started only like a month ago.
Guess I have some migration plans for this weekend :grin:
Great work guys!

I’m (Home Assistant Core on RPi4) getting

alexapy 1.22.3 requires aiofiles<0.6.0,>=0.5.0, but you’ll have aiofiles 0.6.0 which is incompatible.
alexapy 1.22.3 requires pyotp<3.0.0,>=2.4.1, but you’ll have pyotp 2.3.0 which is incompatible.

as well as

homeassistant 2021.2.0 requires pip<20.3,>=8.0.3, but you’ll have pip 21.0.1 which is incompatible.

Haven’t noticed anything not working, just thought i would share this here.

Looks like this update killed my HA installation.
I just upgraded and after rebooting my HA starts with a log in screen but my credentials no longer work and I can’t login. When I login via samba on my RPi4 (which works with the old stored credentials), I can see an HA empty HA installation (like after the initial installation). My configuration and custom components and all is gone.

Does anyone have a idea what happened here and what I can do now?

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My Tp-Link switches (all 53 of them) are “unavailable” after upgrading. Anyone else facing this issue?

Also, now I’m unable to “reload” the integration without restart!

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Hmm, odd. Getting a lot of python errors after upgrading. HA Core in Docker on Ubuntu host system. Python 3.8.7 is installed.

Stuff like this.

/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/botocore/awsrequest.py:624: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.9 it will stop working
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dsmr_parser/clients/serial_.py:72: DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
  def read(self, queue):