2021.2: Z-Wave... JS!

after upgrading to version: 2021.2.0
I have an error that I cannot open the file in media-browser

After upgrade, open zwave beta --> HS

@nickrout, @ozzie, @admun, @Tomiam, @kklicker, @rexbot

GitHub Issue reported: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/46034

Whoosp, already raised by someone else: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/45997

I am a bit concerned, since the introduction of the newer OpenZwave integration people were told developers are working on a migration path, hasn’t happened until now, next this JS stuff comes online while the old integration is depreciated, no migration path from either from my understanding.

While these changes probably wont affect any new users it affects existing users who have an extended setup from devices, to automation etc that all require needing to be re-paired, rewritten etc to even retain the existing capability of the running system to stay on a maintained integration.

Further, the brand new JS integration has already been promoted to the recommended integration?
doesn’t really strike me with confidence that there has been a determined roadmap for Zwave at all - judging by an integration with devices that are hidden behind wallplates, in windows, doorframes etc this surely doesnt seem like a well planned change management considering the impact of changes required.

I can clearly see where the depreciated integration is removed - though stated not to go anywhere - where potential dependencies or anything else may conflict - without any other option that to literally re-do everything almost from scratch - I am actually well satisfied with myself not jumping onto OpenZwave which was announced as the best new thing since sliced bread only 9 months ago to be superseded already - which would have required exactly this.

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Shelly integration stopped working after this upgrade.
Seems it cannot startup. These are messages in Core Log:

2021-02-05 12:16:45 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: shelly
2021-02-05 12:17:45 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Waiting on integrations to complete setup: shelly


Since this update my Tado Thermostat stopped working with HA. I see there has been made some changes to the integration this update. HA can connect to Tado and read the temperature and such, but I can’t change the temperature anymore from HA.

Kind regards,

YES, so many important adjustements in this release.

Z-Wave JS

Easy peasy migration (though strange that with the device not being found, at least as a list of possibilities). Works like charm, great job guys!

Cloud Text to Speech settings

Finally, this has been asked for and has been missing, so no you can go directly to the device in lovelace and write your message, and it will read it in the correct language set up there (it at least seems to the be case).
The cloud_say is ok, but it would be nice to able to use the more expensive google_cloud_say voices, as there are more voices, and they generally better.

These improvements might seem small to the developers, but for the user, these are huge, great job guys!

I mostly agree that the decision to go with openzwave was wrong, especially considering the development base. But the problem with open source is that these things happen, there are no promises of long road maps, milestones or the like for the small projects. What I do not agree with is that the decision to move away from the old z-wave stack was wrong, I think it’s much sounder to have it more modular, instead of some monolithic heap that is much harder to maintain.
I was wary of the openzwave, everything told me to not do that, but the new zwave js is much sounder, and with a lot more people involved. So I did the jump, and it was not a problem, important is to get the device path and the network key, but that’s it, it found the devices I had, gave them odd names :slight_smile: (no more odd than the old z-wave integration did), so a quick tour through the lovelace panels and node-red, and it’s sorted, less than an hours effort.


are you saying that it kept all connected devices that you had on your stick? something that wasnt possible with the OpenZwave integration as I was told … with regards to renaming and aligning - how many devices do you have out of interest?

Yes, it kept the network, as it is on the stick. Well I have 8 z-wave devices, which are currently being fazed out towards zigbee as funds allow it :slight_smile: My lock will probably not be replaced (danalock) as it’s been working completely flawlessly for years.

Any idea when the next minor update will be released ? (Expecting some zwave JS bugfixes)

well thats where it differs - I currently have 81 nodes - I had a closer look at the documentation,

Make a list of what node ID belongs to each device. Your network (Nodes and their config etc) is stored on the stick but the names you gave your devices and entities are not. This step is optional but will save you a lot of time later.

consider each having 2-8 entities - lets say 4 on average thats over 300 entities to edit and align, loads of work renaming and checking that everything still works - nothing you do in an hour.

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Probably because the main developer of openzwave has had enough (who can blame him) so the HA team needs something maintained
. Can we revisit the move to qt-openzwave? - Configuration / Z-Wave - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)


There is talk of a migration service so with that many devices you might want to hold off on changing for a bit.


Setting Tado Temperature is still not working. Only the sensors seem to work fine … ;(

there was talk about a migration service to OpenZwave - you see where my original post was coming from?

has the formatting of the section header changed as per this update?

      - type: custom:fold-entity-row
          type: section
          label: Battery levels
        padding: 0

suddenly makes all bold headers, which I didn’t notice before. Since the fold-entity-row hasnt been updated in a while, this would be related to HA 2021.2?

I’ve just updated and see the same now.

I just migrated to OZW last week. Bad timing.

Nevertheless happy to see some progress on the ZWAVE-side. And if ZWAVE-JS is indeed faster and needs less resources than OZW, it is a good thing for my Raspi.

Thanks to all involved!

I wish the docs for the ecobee change were updated to go along with this change to temperature holds. Mine is just holding whatever was called last indefinitely. I really like the way it used to work. There was no update to say how to call these changes. I don’t want this to be the release that makes me restore to an old back up and then just stay there till it breaks. I feel like this implementation was rushed and not thought out.