2021.2: Z-Wave... JS!

Also Turning it off and on auto should be working. So technically you could set the scheduled (auto) to the desired temp and the off would be off. But yeah, I just rolled back to the previous update.
In terminal:
ha core downgrade --version=2021.1.5

Pi4 users. Was the only issue you had with upgrading Wi-Fi related?

Same issue here with recorder, logbook, history… Running hassio with “SQL Server”

Per the issue here:

I resolved this by manually adding a record for schema_version 11 to schema_changes table:


I am having issues with 2021.2.1. The CORE is dumping with an error of 107. I am running Supervisor HA in a VM on top of Virtual Box. Seems to happen every 4-5 hours and then the entire VM needs to be restarted.

How about step by step instructions on installing the server from a bare bones install
as the only thing I been able to get is

-bash: ts-node: command not found for my troubles of trying to install the server

It’s named ZwaveJS, because it’s written entirely in JavaScript. You can see for yourself in GitHub.

I completely agree. I had to roll back as well because I couldn’t figure out how to get rid of the holds.

Here is the error I am seeing after 4-5 hours.

Hi gents,
I just updated to this latest version and now my Raspberry PI 4 is restarting in endless loop. :frowning:
When connecting the PI4 to a screen, I can see these messages before it reboots:
[FAILED] Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine.
See systemctl status docker.service for details.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for HassOS supervisor.
[DEFEND] Dependency failed for Dropbear SSH daemon.

[ OK ] Stopped target…

[ OK ] Unmounitng …

[ OK ] Reached target Reboot.

Could someone point me how I can resolve this, please?

Best regards

After updating to 2021.2 eQ-3 MAX! integration is broken. It always shows “Entity not available”.
Same issue in 2021.2.1

21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of HomeMatic CCU
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of OpenZWave
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of Z-Wave JS
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of Terminal & SSH
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of deCONZ
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘devices’ use a deprecated format, the new format uses a list of paths only. Please report this to the maintainer of deCONZ
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘devices’ use a deprecated format, the new format uses a list of paths only. Please report this to the maintainer of TellStick
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘devices’ use a deprecated format, the new format uses a list of paths only. Please report this to the maintainer of WireGuard
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of SSH & Web Terminal
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘devices’ use a deprecated format, the new format uses a list of paths only. Please report this to the maintainer of SSH & Web Terminal
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of Network UPS Tools
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘devices’ use a deprecated format, the new format uses a list of paths only. Please report this to the maintainer of Network UPS Tools
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘devices’ use a deprecated format, the new format uses a list of paths only. Please report this to the maintainer of ZeroTier One
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of AppDaemon 4
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of Z-Wave to MQTT
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of ESPHome
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of Z-Wave JS to MQTT
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of Node-RED
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘devices’ use a deprecated format, the new format uses a list of paths only. Please report this to the maintainer of Node-RED
21-02-08 09:41:03 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on config ‘auto_uart’ is deprecated, use ‘uart’. Please report this to the maintainer of Visual Studio Code

I have the same when I updated Supervisor to 2021.02.5.

Hey, you guys made my add-on look cooler and didn’t mention it!

1 Like

I am runing Home Assisatnt as docker on RPI4

After upgrading to 2021.2.1, restart home assistant in 90% of the cases doesn’t work. After restart, I need to remove the docker and start it again.

I’ve downgraded now to 2021.1.5 which doesn’t have this issue. Hope it will be solved in next releases of 2021.2.x

Try HassOS. If you need custom configuration, apps, mounts, or really anything, use the Run On Startup.d add-on. It even works to install apks into HA.

So does the web terminal & ssh addon :slight_smile:

No. It does not. That works within the terminal addon. Run On Startup.d works within other containers, like the main HA container.


i still don’t get any up/down buttons for covers after update :frowning:

Logger: homeassistant.components.cover
Source: components/zwave_js/cover.py:75
Integration: Rullgardin (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 5:25:09 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 5:25:09

Error adding entities for domain cover with platform zwave_js
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 315, in async_add_entities
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity_platform.py", line 422, in _async_add_entity
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/cover/__init__.py", line 219, in supported_features
    if self.current_cover_position is not None:
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zwave_js/cover.py", line 75, in current_cover_position
    return round((self.info.primary_value.value / 99) * 100)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'

HI, nice words, how good it is, but nothing about how to move from the old Zwave to the new Z-Wave. js. Would be great if you who create new stuff, which otherwise does a very good job for us users to think about how to move old Zwave to the new Z-Wave. js.

Petro has kindly written a number of Community guides on the migration process.