2021.2: Z-Wave... JS!

You’re still using the old zwave. Always consult your logs for issues and errors.

I resolved this one on my system by installing a couple of packages in the iocage jail.

pkg install libxml2 libxslt

I fixed mine with this sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-dev. The upgrade to HA 2021.2.3 is working with no errors. Thanks for your help!!

Same problem. I don’t now why.
Do you have found a solution ?

Since updating from 2021.1.4 to 2021.2.2 (and then .3) my Zigbee (some devices on ZHA / Conbee2, some on Xiaomi Gateway) response time has been terrible, around 10s from hitting a button to seeing a light turn on.

Anyone else having super slow zigbee issues? Prior to the update the response was instant.

EDIT: Deleted the database and restarted, Seems to have fixed the issue.

I had to role back to 2021.1.5 as the latest build is broken.

None of my history graphs was working and same for charts.

Also, data was not being collected in the period i was using the new build.

This is fatal; please do some proper UAT.

No it is not broken, only for you perhaps :slight_smile:

Often those symptoms mean your database is broken. Delete it and it will rebuild. However you will lose data.

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I think it is a matter of perspective; from my point of view, it is broken if i need to delete the database as you suggest. History is part of HA and should not be required to be deleted.

I didn’t have this problem, so bad luck on your part.

Your logging may help prevent problems in future.

Interesting approach; “bad luck on your part”.

I don’t know if you are a part of the developers for HA; my approach would be to investigate and figure out the problem - and then patch a new version that ensures this problem goes away for other users than you.

Then have at 'er my man!

Seriously. This is an open source project, mostly done on everyone’s spare time, and it’s already awesome and gets better every day. You have a right to demand nothing. Either be part of the solution or…

BTW the person you are being hostile to isn’t part of the dev team but he is here at all hours of the day, every day helping people, just because. He does nothing but make HA better for everyone. Please be more respectful.


I am sorry if my comment seemed hostile; and I agree that HA is an awesome product, I just get frustrated when a release is not thoroughly tested and it breaks a setup.

I would love to be a part of the solution, however, I am a .NET developer using C#.

What triggered me, Jason, was the comment from the other guy … “bad luck” and “just delete your database” … i truly believe when a release is a production grade that it needs to be stable.

Open-source or not, it should not be acceptable with a “bad luck” experience.

Keep up the good work; i cross my fingers that other users have “bad luck” and a fix can be found.


It can be very frustrating when things don’t go smoothly. However, I’ve seen “professional” IT implementations at my job with a couple of commas in the bill that have gone horribly wrong too.

I can offer a helpful suggestion. Backup everything before you update. Always. I always do a full snapshot plus a physical copy of my config directory, including the database (of course yours may be somewhere else).

The one and only time my database got pooched on an update (quite some time ago) I was able to restore it and be on my merry way. Always expect and prepare for the worst and you won’t get caught with your pants down!


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Switch to the MariaDB addon. Much more stable than the default database.

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Set fallback off, and then it works

I use Microsoft SQL database running in a Docker instance writing to a persistent storage. Database perse is not the problem; as stated, rolling back to January release solved the immediate problem.

Yes…or at least a way to dump the full config easily (including the EXACT names of all the controls of every device)

For me, the “add them to the network” is not as super-painful as “get all the names matching so my elaborate sets of automations referencing them work again”. Also a PITA as some like the Inovelli ones required “special steps” to get recognized properly.

I’m guessing you haven’t seen any of the migration guides?

Also, what special steps are you referring to with the inovelli devices? I run mostly inovelli and have had no issues outside the devices that don’t have a configuration yet

My Inovelli dimmers and switches are what is making me hold back on migrating. I make extensive use of the LED’s on them which are set by zwave.set_config . As I understand it, this capability has not been included in ZWaveJS yet.

Curious, how you are dealing with that? Stoked to hear in general they are working well though!

I don’t set those via parameters. That’s still not what @mmiller7 was referring to. He’s implying that they needed extra setup for it to see the devices