2021.3: My Oh My

Search: in: devs_frontend codemirror theme

No results. Same for in: devs_frontend codemirror variable

I did find this: https://codemirror.net/theme/

see https://discord.com/channels/330944238910963714/460846676358332417/817319220684914698
and https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/blob/845411b48c98554d5ced757fc96fba42781cb95d/src/resources/codemirror.ts

and my closed issue :slight_smile:https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/issues/8552

Regarding “phoning home” to haveibeenpwnd…

The point of how simple disabling this is or isn’t, it’s the principle of allowing users to opt out from unwanted network communication.

One point of HA is to allow one to run with local information only. It is a bit disturbing to see a trend where decisions on what to communicate with externally are being made for the user with no opt-in. And multiple recurring notifications with no means to get rid of them is more than just a little annoying.

One shouldn’t have to develop an internet-isolated network or sinkhole domains to prevent stuff like this.


Completely agree. Socialism doesn’t belong in HA — HA devs do NOT know better what we need than we do. Local-only access and local-only control is not just “one of the reasons” for HA to exist, it IS the reason for it to exist. 100% of all features that want/need WAN access should each and individually be strictly opt-in only on HA as a core value and philosophy. This breaks it, very badly. Not the path forward, full stop.

For now, I am configuring a firewall block for this, but I am actually considering blocking all HA WAN access by default now and just manually turning on each path after careful evaluation. This is the kind of lockdown policy reserved for incompetent and near-malicious vendors, devices, software, and products … yet here we are now with HA. {shakes head}


Frenck knows better than me. I trust him.

What a lovely fellow you have turned out to be.

I worked with support and found my issue was not having Int/Ext connection configured @ https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/general/ I’ve been using HA since .30 and still had the HomeAssistant: section in my yaml. I took that out configured everything in general and my syncs started working again.

Convo can bee seen on this @ https://discordapp.com/channels/330944238910963714/402899129660997642/817086848857014302

You really should read this https://www.home-assistant.io/code_of_conduct/


Personally I’m fine with using haveibeenpwned’s API for passwords, but just in case someone decides to go code up a enable/disable PR, it might also be good to have an option to use the downloadable ones:

As long as they have ~10GB to spare.

I personally think that this should be available as integration and not enabled by default In HA core. Or even better, to be part of the NabuCasa subscription.

Upgraded to 2021.3 with no software issues. Thanks for the great work folks. This morning I upgraded again to 2021.3.1. Can someone tell me what 2021.3.1 did? I can’t find anything.

The original post gets updated with the release notes for each patch:

I will also chime in that I am not a fan of anyone dictating what I do on my personal LAN. I completely understand the intent here but, as has often been the case, decisions are made that obviously haven’t been completely thought out. We wonder why many see the HA community as snobby and aloof, and I will continue to defend the super talented and super helpful devs here…but it has always been these types of decisions that poke holes in my defense. These types of nagging measures should ALWAYS have an opt-out feature. We could even make it difficult for the user to disable with multiple steps and multiple nagging screens along the way.

Having to type up these types of replies in a diplomatic way is exhausting and frustrating…primarily because I feel it shouldn’t be necessary in the first place. For the love of whatever God you pray to, please double/triple/quadruple check these types of decisions. They are becoming a real irritant (again unnecessary) and leads to frustration with leadership.

For those who will say “this is best practice” please know that I understand your point of view and yet still I do not care. I can respect a point of view and decide to do something different. My local passwords are my own and I accept the risk involved. If someone is on my LAN, the password to my MQTT instance is the LEAST of my concerns. I do not want my LAN security dictated to me. What’s next…someone decides that lock automations are too risky so they remove all lock control commands or send a phone notification EVERY time I lock or unlock my door? I guess we’re on the road to becoming Smartthings or Apple where we are told how to hold our devices. Silly decision here…just silly…and completely unnecessary.

Rant over…please proceed on your quarterly scheduled “Let’s frustrate our faithful community members” cycle.


You can’t trust the new updater- this is the second time I have fail messages but nothing was wrong

Trying to upgrade to 2021.3.1 and getting this message from the new updater: Unknown error, see supervisor logs

Yet logs look like everything is fine and after a few minutes the system restarted and was upgraded…



sorry… gotta type 10 characters

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I saw this two the last two upgrades. Nothing in logs

Was switched on mine too. Not sure when that happened

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Do someone have a problem with the WLED Service calls?
I can't select any entity_id, area or device. In the new UI the lists are empty:

in the yaml editor it is usable :)

I don’t understand the problem? I have always had that setting turned on - what problem should I be seeing?

Did you make a github issue for this? I want to follow it, this has been bugging me too.

I am always super diligent about running the config check before every update to ensure I am not surprised by something. The last couple of releases its been erroring out with python dependency issues that are false alarms. The upgrade actually has no issues but for some reason the config check seems to have an incorrect environment.

I’ve gotten used to ignoring the python dependency errors but would really prefer it didn’t do that and only alerted me to actual issues.