2021.6: A little bit of everything

Yes same problem. The firs page after refresh flash for 1 sec but after dissappered, and not all the rest but the majority page is ok.

Need to figure that out…never used these sensors before.

Have you tried doing a hard refresh and clearing of cache
if using chrom/edge
right click on refresh button, select empty cache and hard refresh


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If you configure the same entity_id (or even unique_id - not sure if this is needed too) your previously recorded history will be shown in the new template as well.

Just figured it out through a process of elimination.

I’m using the Custom Home Feed Card and removing that alleviates the issue.

Yes of course. Lot of times. Not working.

Not have custom home feed card.

Then why didn’t you say so instead of letting us guess?

ooops my bad didn’t read all of @spider7611 's posts.

This was my first post, don’t know what is your problem?

Apologies, see my correction above.

Ok, no problem! :wink:

Same issue - blank screen - visibile for a second - then blank.

Same on Android.

Tried setting theme to default - still shows blank.

Using -
type: custom:home-feed-card

Custom Components not loading

I only use one weinstein thermosmart. Hacs is working

What is a weinstein thermostat?

what’s on your homepage? sometimes a custom resource not functioning properly blocks the whole view from appearing (had that with air-visual card and dark sky weather card before).

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Have you checked there are no updates to the custom integration?
Custom integrations now require version in the manifest file otherwise they wont load. check if they have updated to integration or add it yourself manually

Some entities provide quite a few attributes and those show up in the user interface. Most of the time, you don’t need to those and often contain technical data that only confuse or clutter.

How about the “some of the time” when we do need those? I get it that you’re trying to streamline the UI but a lot of these changes that are being made would benefit from being options. Let me enable full attribute view for the entities I want.


Click a button, then you see them.

no not all, several ‘internal’ attributes are hidden from the frontend, you need to go to developer-tools/state to see all attributes, see frontend/hass-attributes-util.ts at 7bc27082595f943d15ca35ae948c766184a93eed · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

“domain”: “smartir”,
“name”: “SmartIR”,
“documentation”: “GitHub - smartHomeHub/SmartIR: Integration for Home Assistant to control climate, TV and fan devices via IR/RF controllers (Broadlink, Xiaomi, MQTT, LOOKin, ESPHome)”,
“dependencies”: [],
“codeowners”: ["@smartHomeHub"],
“requirements”: [“aiofiles==0.6.0”],
“homeassistant”: “0.115.0”,
“updater”: {
“version”: “1.16.0”,
“releaseNotes”: “-- Adds support for swing mode”,
“files”: [