2021.6: A little bit of everything

Official windows is only supported over WSL2 and if you follow the official way, you would not have an issue.


There might be misunderstanding here.

HA has internally two variables: Preferred light theme and preferred dark theme. The values of those will be used whenever the user has chosen “Backend-selected” as their theme (which is the default selection if a user logs in).

If the user is on a browser that requests dark mode from HA, then the preferred dark theme will be used.

With the service call from your screenshot you tell HA that theme “default” should be set as the preferred dark theme. If however, the user is on a device that is set to request the light mode (again controlled by the browser), then the preferred light theme will be used (which is also “default” unless you changed that via the service call).

With the service call you cannot override the browser mode selection.

HI Philip,

wondering about sun.sun now, as I’ve just discovered that the frontend shows several attributes after all, (and not in the dropdown box as is expected now), but added to that, doesn’t show a lot of attributes that are available, but aren’t listed in the filter list at all?

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Well, for the “some of the time” they are still there and only a single click away. We did not remove them.

Sun has a dedicated “more-info” layout (as do many other entity types), that shows some selected attributes that are central to the entity. We did not touch those layouts.

ok thanks, missed that during the beta cycle. sorry.

What’s wrong with having the option to always show them? “It’s only one click” adds up if you’re looking several entities attributes often.

Thanks - no updates on custom integrations so far - will check back in a few hours. Not an issue for now and can roll back. Just providing feedback, in case others are having the same issue.

Unable to determine a root cause yet.

Thank you.

guess you missed my question… to be able to help you, it would be helpful if you show what is used on your home view. A custom integration can have no updates, but that might very well be the reason it now is not showing :wink: Also, if you see any issues in the inspector log

So, understand all that. But then again… if I want every user to have dark mode by default… what do I need to do?

My Home Assistant now supports linking to the Ingress interface of an add-on!

Hi, what mean this?

Can I now share a chart with the Grafana add-on and then add this via iframe in Loveace without the error message “401 unauthorized”

If yes how?


This release broke my ecowitt and nodered integration. Had to roll back.

I did not say that it would be “wrong”? If there is a general consensus that this feature is needed and someone provides a PR for that, it might get added (not up to me, and I am not yet convinced that it is required).

But if you are looking at the same attributes quite often, then it might be an option to create template entities for those so you can directly show them (or put them in a markdown view where you can also use templates), rather then having them hidden away in the attributes of another entity. Probably depends on your concrete use case…

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how did it break, no logs?. what happening

Is it possible to disable Polling on Rest sensors that are produced from the config.yaml?

The integrations did simply not load, with an warning in the bottom left corner (by the bell). I did not check the logs in detail but at first glance I could not see anything there.
After rollback, both integrations worked again.

Are they custom intergrations? if so there are breaking change to them if they havent been updated

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Before it is working good but now it is dissappered too with first page. Where is the problem?

- path: ''
    title: ''
    icon: mdi:weather-sunny
    badges: []
      - entities:
          - entity: sensor.weather_temp
          - entity: sensor.dark_sky_summary
          - entity: sensor.dark_sky_daily_summary
        type: glance
      - entity_apparent_temp: sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature
        entity_current_conditions: sensor.dark_sky_icon
        entity_daily_summary: sensor.dark_sky_daily_summary
        entity_daytime_high: sensor.dark_sky_daytime_high_temperature_0d
        entity_forecast_high_temp_1: sensor.dark_sky_daytime_high_temperature_1d
        entity_forecast_high_temp_2: sensor.dark_sky_daytime_high_temperature_2d
        entity_forecast_high_temp_3: sensor.dark_sky_daytime_high_temperature_3d
        entity_forecast_high_temp_4: sensor.dark_sky_daytime_high_temperature_4d
        entity_forecast_high_temp_5: sensor.dark_sky_daytime_high_temperature_5d
        entity_forecast_icon_1: sensor.dark_sky_icon_1d
        entity_forecast_icon_2: sensor.dark_sky_icon_2d
        entity_forecast_icon_3: sensor.dark_sky_icon_3d
        entity_forecast_icon_4: sensor.dark_sky_icon_4d
        entity_forecast_icon_5: sensor.dark_sky_icon_5d
        entity_forecast_low_temp_1: sensor.dark_sky_overnight_low_temperature_0d
        entity_forecast_low_temp_2: sensor.dark_sky_overnight_low_temperature_1d
        entity_forecast_low_temp_3: sensor.dark_sky_overnight_low_temperature_2d
        entity_forecast_low_temp_4: sensor.dark_sky_overnight_low_temperature_3d
        entity_forecast_low_temp_5: sensor.dark_sky_overnight_low_temperature_4d
        entity_humidity: sensor.dark_sky_humidity
        entity_pop: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability
        entity_pop_1: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability_1d
        entity_pop_2: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability_2d
        entity_pop_3: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability_3d
        entity_pop_4: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability_4d
        entity_pop_5: sensor.dark_sky_precip_probability_5d
        entity_pop_intensity: sensor.dark_sky_precip_intensity
        entity_pressure: sensor.dark_sky_pressure
        entity_summary_1: sensor.dark_sky_summary_1d
        entity_summary_2: sensor.dark_sky_summary_2d
        entity_summary_3: sensor.dark_sky_summary_3d
        entity_summary_4: sensor.dark_sky_summary_4d
        entity_summary_5: sensor.dark_sky_summary_5d
        entity_sun: sun.sun
        entity_temperature: sensor.dark_sky_temperature
        entity_visibility: sensor.dark_sky_visibility
        entity_wind_bearing: sensor.dark_sky_wind_bearing
        entity_wind_speed: sensor.dark_sky_wind_speed
        locale: hu
        old_daily_format: false
        show_beaufort: true
        static_icons: false
        time_format: 24
        tooltip_bg_color: rgb( 75,155,239)
        tooltip_border_color: orange
        tooltip_border_width: 3
        tooltip_caret_size: 10
        tooltip_fg_color: '#fff'
        tooltip_left_offset: -12
        tooltip_width: 100
        tooltips: true
        type: custom:lovelace-darksky-card
      - artwork: cover
        entity: media_player.plex_plex_for_samsung_tv_qe65q60ratxxh
          icon_state: false
          power_state: false
          runtime: false
          sound_mode: false
          source: false
          volume: false
        icon: mdi:plex
        name: Plex
        type: custom:mini-media-player
      - artwork: cover
        entity: media_player.chromecast
          icon_state: false
          power_state: false
          runtime: false
          sound_mode: false
          source: false
          volume: false
        icon: mdi:google-chrome
        type: custom:mini-media-player
      - name: MelegvĂ­z
        entity: switch.pince
          enabled: true
        show_icon: true
        show_state: true
          - color: rgb(21, 255, 0)
            icon: mdi:water-pump
                - animation: blink 1s ease 10
            value: 'on'
          - color: rgb(255, 0, 0)
            icon: mdi:water-pump-off
            value: 'off'
          action: call-service
          service: switch.toggle
            entity_id: switch.pince
        type: custom:button-card

you are using a number of custom cards that could be victim to the breaking change with custom cards. have you check the repositories for those to see if any updates or other having issue.

i would check the custom darksky one. as the code from that card specifically has elements that are mentioned in the breaking change (i could be wrong though)

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try take out the dark sky card? see 2021.6: A little bit of everything - #99 by Mariusthvdb

the card needs an update of the LitElement, an another tweak. it’s an abandoned repo, so you can do it yourself, this is what I did: