2021.7: A new entity, trigger IDs and script debugging

Same here. Can’t get my TV to switch sources anymore as it cant see the devices. Have you found a workaround yet?

Hi. Should I be seeing any new features on the Sony Bravia Integration, Ive removed and re-added ?

If I am watching something on Youtube or BBC1 it just says playing. I was expecting it to say BBC1 or Youtube rather than just playing.

Also, does anyone have any example commands to use the remote feature please ?

Thanks in advance

Hello, Did You found a solution for “[homeassistant.components.sms.gateway] Failed to initialize, error ERR_NOTSUPPORTED” ? For now, I just roll back snapshot. Do You use home assistant os or Raspberry PI OS ? After 2021.7 I had Try to Switch to Home Assistant OS but on I’t i even have issue with switching modem AT so for me only working solution is Raspberry Pi OS and I’m installing docker on IT. Hope I’t will be fixed soon.

You don’t have to remove and add. You’ll have a new remote entity.

Yes, this is how all media_players behave. There may be an attribute that says what it’s playing, however it will not be in the main state.

There’s plenty of examples on the forums. Just search remote.send_command.

Here’s an example.

service: remote.send_command
  entity_id: remote.tv_room
    - VolumeUp
    - VolumeDown
  delay_secs: 0.6
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Same here. All my MQTT devices connected using Zigbee2MQTT are unavailable, same with Xiaomi Air Purifier. I already removed database and recorder history, but it did not help.

hi, seeking further assistance in my discoveries using Nginx (since yesterday…) I did post NGINX configuration - connection refused - #8 by Mariusthvdb, but we couldn’t work this out completely.

cut it short, during startup I see this logged frequently:

2021/07/19 23:02:51 [error] 222#222: *7441 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: mydomain.duckdns.org, request: "GET /api/websocket HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "mydomain.duckdns.org:myport"

after startup it seems this is no longer happening.

@Burningstone suggested it might be

Could be that it’s because NGINX starts faster than HA.

which seems reasonable, because after initial startup there’s always a gap of about 2 minutes:

2021-07-19 23:20:05 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain proximity took 0.3 seconds
2021-07-19 23:21:56 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Starting Home Assistant

during which the system fully loads.

can I prevent these errors in Nginx log somehow. of course I already have the relevant address in the trusted_proxies:

  use_x_forwarded_for: true
#    -
#    -

thanks for having a look!

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The only way I’ve had success in getting detailed information from Android TV devices (both my Chromecast w/google TV and my Bravia TV) was to use ADB debugging.
The Netflix app is especially problematic if I don’t use ADB debug.

Has anyone opened an issue?
Edit:History graph reverting back to all data after striking out some items · Issue #9559 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub

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How is that the same problem?

Maybe you’re right, I think I was thinking too much about the Xiaomi devices when I was reading the post. But I did saw some comments about unavailability problems after update to 2021.07. I’ll try to restore 2021.06 and clear database + recorder. And ask my own comment :slight_smile: Thanks Nick.

I cant find ADB debugging on my Bravia 2020 TV. I looked for this a while ago.



I keep getting the following error on 2021.7.3 ““Watchdog found a problem with Home Assistant API!”” then home assistant restarts. It has been doing this for the last few days. It usually restarts about every hour but sometimes as often as 10 minutes. I am using the ngnix proxy manager to reverse proxy my installation.

Getting really frustrated. I have restored 2021.6 a few times and ran the updates again. 2021.6 works with out issue. Tried every combo of http config I can think of as that seems to resolve from prior posts with no luck

Ok, but the writing seems too long for the Italian translation.

Schermata 2021-07-20 alle 18.00.17

That’s bound to happen if your card is thin. You can write up a request to abbreviate the verbiage for your language. You may even be able to override it.

I have this exact same problem. But I tried to install today, never used influx before. Installed, configured and if I put the config in the yaml I get this error… any luck finding what to do to solve this?

I have the same error.

As a workaround, I put the port 8009 in the Host variable of the Network config section.

And I can access to the Traccar interface at https://myhomeassistantip:8009

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I found another problem in log that might be related to problem with InfluxDb.

Logger: root
Source: /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/bootstrap.py:312
First occurred: 1:08:42 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:08:42 PM

Uncaught exception
RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 0xe but this version of numpy is 0xd

Any idea?

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I’m trying to debug the slowness on history page still. I tried running a profile in firefox, and it’s clearly visible when the frame rate goes to almost 0. Whenever I try to link over to see the source of the functions though I get an error like

Error while fetching an original source: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
Source URL: webpack://home-assistant-frontend/chunk.91db54671c6070224573.js

Does anyone know how to debug this further?

I have that in my log too… don’t know exactly when it appears, but have some time now… maybe after I tried to install the custom deps deployment… just happen when starting HA… so I just leave it there! :neutral_face:

PS: If I unistall custom deps the error persists… search very little how to solve this error but don’t find anything…

Is anyone noticing EXTREMELY slow response time for insteon commands? When I send a turn on command it shows sending for a 3 seconds, assuming it doesn’t fail, before its complete. This has only been since 7.0. I’m using an ISY not the insteon hub.